我想在clearcase的vobs樹(/ vobs/something/something)下創建但未簽入的目錄中創建命名管道。我得到這個錯誤:mkfifo命令在clearcase vob上失敗
"mkfifo: No such device or address"
我不能理解爲什麼管創建失敗,而其他文件正在創建。 我正在使用Solaris 10.有什麼方法可以在VOB中創建命名管道?
我想在clearcase的vobs樹(/ vobs/something/something)下創建但未簽入的目錄中創建命名管道。我得到這個錯誤:mkfifo命令在clearcase vob上失敗
"mkfifo: No such device or address"
我不能理解爲什麼管創建失敗,而其他文件正在創建。 我正在使用Solaris 10.有什麼方法可以在VOB中創建命名管道?
表示帶有視圖集的MVFS路徑(如cleartool setview
首先,嘗試與fumm路徑相同的操作,而不是嘗試設置視圖。正如我在「Python and ClearCase setview」中所解釋的那樣,設置視圖會創建一個子shell,對您的進程有各種副作用(根據環境變量和其他非干擾屬性)。
第二,關於管道,檢查是否this thread applies to your case:
Just off the top of my head if you using a pipe and not a file, then it should be specified something like this ..
destination my_pipe pipe("/data/pipes/net_pipe");
rather than
destination my_file file("/data/pipes/net_pipe");
需要注意的是,爲ClearCase up to 7.0.x:
ClearCase does not support adding to source control special files such as named pipes, fifos or device files. There are no type mangers available to manage these special files.
Note: Attempts to execute these files in the MVFS is not supported.
- Keep multiple versions of directories with device files outside of a VOB and versioned directories/symlinks in a VOB to point to correct directory location outside the VOB.
- Keep a tar or zip archive of the tree with device files in the VOB, and extract it to a temporary workspace when needed in the development process.
感謝您的幫助。看起來我將不得不選擇其他地方來創建FIFO。 – dvai