我已經建立樣本模式的sqlfiddle。 http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/070cf/1
我已經建立樣本模式的sqlfiddle。 http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/070cf/1
SELECT count(screen_id) as ad_count
FROM subscription
screen_id=1 AND
DATE_START >= STR_TO_DATE('19,01,2014','%d,%m,%Y') and
DATE_END <= STR_TO_DATE('23,01,2014','%d,%m,%Y');
不,這是動態的。它已經在數據庫表中。檢查sqlfiddle鏈接。 –
您對此查詢的輸入是什麼以及預期的結果是什麼?你想檢查是否有代理人超過這個限制? –
是的。我需要檢查,在任何代理添加新訂閱之前,開始和結束日期範圍內的總訂閱數不超過20。 –
但對於參數的緣故,這裏是如何解決它的SQL: 1.展開搜索間隔所有的日子 2.每天檢查條件
select *, start_date+interval nr.number day as search_date -- search date is the exploded interval
(select date('2013-01-13') as start_date, date('2013-02-20') as end_date) search -- the dates we search for
inner join -- joining a numbers table to expand the interval
(select a.nr+b.nr*10 as number from
(select 1 as nr
union all select 2
union all select 3
union all select 4
union all select 5
union all select 6
union all select 7
union all select 8
union all select 9
union all select 0
(select 1 as nr
union all select 2
union all select 3
union all select 4
union all select 5
union all select 6
union all select 7
union all select 8
union all select 9
union all select 0
order by 1 asc
) nr
on nr.number<=datediff(end_date, start_date)
select search_date, count(*) as subscriptions_active from
date_interval as di
inner join
subscriptions as s
on di.search_date between s.date_start and s.date_end
group by search_date
having subscriptions_active <20
另一種方法是檢查運行總計,whcih將與日期時間的工作。 假設具有start_date和end_date的查詢,查詢示例如下。現在可以很容易地檢查在該表中搜索到的開始和結束日期之間是否存在不符合條件的日期時間。
select c.date, c.change_,
(select sum(change_) from (select start_date as date, change_ from
(select start_date , 1 as change_ from
(select date('2013-01-13') as start_date, date('2013-02-20') as end_date
union all
select date('2013-01-14') as start_date, date('2013-04-25') as end_date
union all
select date('2013-03-15') as start_date, date('2013-05-25') as end_date)a
select end_date, -1 as change_ from
(select date('2013-01-13') as start_date, date('2013-02-20') as end_date
union all
select date('2013-01-14') as start_date, date('2013-04-25') as end_date
union all
select date('2013-03-15') as start_date, date('2013-05-12') as end_date)a
order by 1 asc)b
)d where d.date<=c.date) as running_total
(select start_date as date, change_ from
(select start_date , 1 as change_ from
(select date('2013-01-13') as start_date, date('2013-02-20') as end_date
union all
select date('2013-01-14') as start_date, date('2013-04-25') as end_date
union all
select date('2013-03-15') as start_date, date('2013-05-25') as end_date)a
select end_date, -1 as change_ from
(select date('2013-01-13') as start_date, date('2013-02-20') as end_date
union all
select date('2013-01-14') as start_date, date('2013-04-25') as end_date
union all
select date('2013-03-15') as start_date, date('2013-05-12') as end_date)a
order by 1 asc)b
你的問題是有點不精確。你試圖限制數量到什麼範圍?同時,探索「GROUP BY」和可能的「HAVING」條款。 – Palpatim
是的。每個訂閱都有一個開始日期和結束日期。在此範圍內,廣告應小於20. –
那麼您是否試圖在數據庫中輸入任何條目之前,在期間/用戶的數據庫中是否已存在最大條目數? –