# destination and location are Vector2, and the difference is a Vector2
vec_to_destination = self.destination - self.location
distance_to_destination = vec_to_destination.length()
# normalize() returns a Vector2
heading = vec_to_destination.normalize()
# time_passed is a float and speed is an int
travel_distance = min(distance_to_destination, time_passed * self.speed)
# location is a Vector2 as well.
self.location += travel_distance * heading
# The previous line is where the Segmentation fault occurs.
# The equation looks like this with values filled in:
# Vector2(747, 183) += 6.435 * Vector2(-0.882763, 0.469818)
下可能有幫助。您可以複製,我通過鍵入以下爲蟒蛇intepreter遇到的問題(Python 2.7版和pygame的1.9.2pre):
import pygame
from pygame.math import *
v = Vector2(747, 183)
v2 = 6.435 * Vector2(-0.882763, 0.469818)
v += v2
完整的代碼重現該問題可以在這裏找到: ftp.mattwjones .net 用戶名:share1 密碼:!share1
具體來說,在第一類'game_base.py'的第三種方法中,在'Zombies !!!'文件夾中。 – agf
哈!!!果然,這是做到了。我用「self.location = self.location + travel_distance * heading」替換了「self.location + = travel_distance * heading」,現在我的遊戲運行良好。 Eryksun,添加與該信息的答覆,我會接受它作爲答案。 – viper34j
這應該作爲對pygame IMO的錯誤提交。 –