我沒有想在這個問題有其添加爲評論,因爲這是一個老問題,我懷疑可能永遠不會得到回答! 我在這裏複製/放置該問題的代碼以供快速參考。
public class ConsumerWorker implements Runnable{
private BlockingQueue<Produced> inputQueue;
private volatile boolean isRunning = true;
public ConsumerWorker(BlockingQueue<Produced> inputQueue) {
this.inputQueue = inputQueue;
public void run() {
//worker loop keeps taking en element from the queue as long as the producer is still running or as
//long as the queue is not empty:
while(isRunning || !inputQueue.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Consumer "+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" START");
try {
Object queueElement = inputQueue.take();
//process queueElement
} catch (Exception e) {
//this is used to signal from the main thread that he producer has finished adding stuff to the queue
public void setRunning(boolean isRunning) {
this.isRunning = isRunning;
我有同樣的想法。我確實檢查了關於該問題的「編輯」,看看OP是否改變了問題並修改了操作員。但是,他沒有。該運算符總是||。這個問題中沒有人質疑這個問題! – brainOverflow 2013-04-21 19:16:39
這可能是因爲它沒有必要,因爲這兩個表達式都是錯誤的,所以解決方案是必需的。一個簡單的監督真的。 – didierc 2013-04-21 19:51:57