2016-05-12 58 views

我正試圖編寫一個程序來從谷歌刮URL,當被問及驗證碼時,將打開一個表單,允許用戶鍵入驗證碼並讓程序繼續。該程序正常工作,直到驗證碼。表單將打開並允許用戶輸入驗證碼,網頁瀏覽器將正確加載下一頁,但會話不會被轉到webrequest,從而導致打開webbrowser表單的循環,要求用戶輸入在驗證碼。我曾嘗試將cookie從webbrowser複製到webrequest cookie容器,但無濟於事。C#WebBrowser會話到WebRequest

  foreach (string cookie in f2.webForm.Document.Cookie.Split(';')) 
       string name = cookie.Split('=')[0]; 
       string value = cookie.Substring(name.Length + 1); 
       string path = "/"; 
       string domain = "ipv4.google.com"; 
       //webRequest.CookieContainer.Add(new Cookie(name.Trim(), value.Trim(), path, domain)); 
       cookieJar.Add(new Cookie(name.Trim(), value.Trim(), path, domain)); 


CookieContainer cookieJar = new CookieContainer(); 
    for (int i = 0; i <= 30; i += 10) 
     string url = "https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&q=inurl:test.php" + "&start=" + i; 
     HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); 
     webRequest.CookieContainer = cookieJar; 
      webRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246"; 
      //webRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); 
      webRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11; 
      webRequest.Method = "GET"; 
      webRequest.KeepAlive = false; 
      webRequest.ContentType = "text/html"; 
      webRequest.Timeout = 20000; 
      //webRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = true; 
      Stream objStream = webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); 
      StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(objStream); 
      String sLine = ""; 
      List<string> lLines = new List<string>(); 
      List<string> lUrls = new List<string>(); 
      string[] findhttp; 
      int endIndex = 0; 
      HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse(); 
      boxUrl.AppendText("test: " + webResponse.StatusCode + "\n"); 

      // Get Google's web search and store each line in "lUrls" List 
      while (sLine != null) 
       sLine = streamReader.ReadLine(); 

      // Lets loop through and get all the URLs 
      foreach (string s in lLines) 
       // Find the index of href="http 
       findhttp = s.Split(new string[] { "href=\"http" }, StringSplitOptions.None); 

       // Parse URL 
       foreach (string find in findhttp) 
        if (s.IndexOf("href=\"http") > 0) 
         endIndex = find.IndexOf("\" onmousedown"); // Find position of quote 

         if (endIndex > 0 && find.IndexOf("webcache.googleusercontent.com") < 0 && 
              find.IndexOf("support.google.com") < 0 && 
              find.IndexOf("robots.txt") < 0 && 
              find.IndexOf("translate.google.com") < 0) // we don't want these! 
          lUrls.Add("http" + find.Substring(0, endIndex)); 

      // Output URLs 
      foreach (string s in lUrls) 
       boxUrl.AppendText("test: " + s + "\n"); 
     catch (WebException we) 
      boxUrl.AppendText("exception: " + we); 
      //using (var sr = new StreamReader(we.Response.GetResponseStream())) 
      // { 
      //var html = sr.ReadToEnd(); 
      // Open form to show google captcha 
      Form2 f2 = new Form2(we.Response.ResponseUri.ToString());//workaround to get webform.Navigate to work properly 

      // Copy cookies from webbrowser to webrequest cookies 
      foreach (string cookie in f2.webForm.Document.Cookie.Split(';')) 
       string name = cookie.Split('=')[0]; 
       string value = cookie.Substring(name.Length + 1); 
       string path = "/"; 
       string domain = "ipv4.google.com"; 
       //webRequest.CookieContainer.Add(new Cookie(name.Trim(), value.Trim(), path, domain)); 
       cookieJar.Add(new Cookie(name.Trim(), value.Trim(), path, domain)); 



我不知道如何共享winforms瀏覽器對象和webrequest之間的會話;但是我過去曾經使用過WatiN,它會爲您啓動IE或Firefox瀏覽器,並允許您從C#訪問DOM。或者,也許Selenium或Copyu會適合你的情況。 – denvercoder9
