2014-03-05 71 views


對所有涉及的對象實施Clone Interface似乎是一個壞主意,因爲I read that its broken


class Foobar { 
    public List<String> listMember; 
    public String  primitiveMember; 

    public Foobar() { 
     listMember = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")); 
     primitiveMember = "testABC"; 
// Create list of Foobar 
List<Foobar> foobars = new ArrayList<Foobar>(); 
foobars.add(new Foobar()); 
// Copy list of Foobar 
List<Foobar> foobarsCopy = new ArrayList<Foobar>(); 
Collections.copy(foobarsCopy, foobars); 
// Modify source list 
// Output of references 
System.out.println("Sourcelist has size of: " + foobars.get(0).listMember.size()); 
System.out.println("Destinationlist has size of: " + foobarsCopy.get(0).listMember.size()); 
System.out.println("Function 'Collections.copy(...) does not copy list members of members?: " + (foobars.get(0).listMember.size() == foobarsCopy.get(0).listMember.size()) + " - References: " + foobars.get(0).listMember.hashCode() + " vs " + foobarsCopy.get(0).listMember.hashCode()); 




class Foobar { 
    public List<String> listMember; 
    public String  primitiveMember; 

    public Foobar() { 
     listMember = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")); 
     primitiveMember = "testABC"; 

    public Foobar(List<String> list, String primitive) { 
     this.listMember = list; 
     this.primitiveMember = primitive; 

    // Use a copy constructor instead of the Cloneable interface 
    public Foobar(Foobar foobar) { 
     this.primitiveMember = foobar.primitiveMember; 
     this.listMember = new ArrayList<String>(foobar.listMember); 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // Create list of Foobar 
     List<Foobar> foobars = new ArrayList<Foobar>(); 
     foobars.add(new Foobar()); 

     // Copy list of Foobar with the copy constructor 
     List<Foobar> foobarsCopy = new ArrayList<Foobar>(foobars.size()); 
     for (Foobar f : foobars) { 
      foobarsCopy.add(new Foobar(f)); 

     // add a new Foobar instance (hashcode will be different now) 
     foobarsCopy.add(new Foobar(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("d", "e", "f")), "foo")); 

     // Modify source list (hashcode again will be different) 

     // Output of references 
     System.out.println("Sourcelist has size of: " + foobars.get(0).listMember.size()); 
     System.out.println("Destinationlist has size of: " + foobarsCopy.get(0).listMember.size()); 
     System.out.println("Function 'Collections.copy(...) does not copy list members of members?: " 
       + (foobars.get(0).listMember.size() == foobarsCopy.get(0).listMember.size()) 
       + "\n - References: " + foobars.get(0).listMember.hashCode() 
       + " vs " + foobarsCopy.get(0).listMember.hashCode()); 



oK,您的解決方案看起來不錯,複製構造函數似乎是解決我的問題的好方法。但我認爲您的示例中的以下行不是必需的:foobarsCopy.add(new Foobar(new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(「d」,「e」,「f」)),「foo」)); – alex


不,這不是必需的。我添加它來修改列表的副本,我認爲這樣會更清楚發生了什麼... ... –