2014-05-14 22 views


M = [CONV(e_j,F)* P_I * V_I] _ {I,J},

其中i從1變化到n和j從1到m而變化。這裏e_j是大小爲n的指標(行)向量,其中只有列j中的一個,f是長度爲s的濾波器,P_i是(n + s-1)個由k個矩陣,卷積,並且v_i是長度爲k的列向量。對於n = 6,m = 7,s = 3,則需要O(n * s)個操作來計算M的每個條目,因此O(n * s * n * m)我的電腦核心(8GLOPs)應該能夠在0.94微秒內計算出M值。然而,我的非常簡單的cython實現,在example given in the Cython documentation之後,需要超過2毫秒才能用這些參數計算一個例子。這差不多有4個數量級!

這是一個使用Cython實現和測試代碼的shar文件。將其複製並粘貼到一個文件中,然後在乾淨的目錄中運行'bash <fname>'以獲取代碼,然後運行'bash ./test.sh'以查看糟糕的性能。

cat > fastcalcM.pyx <<'EOF' 

import numpy as np 
cimport numpy as np 
cimport cython 
from scipy.signal import convolve 

ctypedef np.float32_t DTYPE_t 

def calcM(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1, negative_indices=False] filtertaps, int 
     n, int m, np.ndarray[np.int_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False] 
     keep_indices, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False] V): 
    """ Computes a numrows-by-k matrix M whose entries satisfy 
     M_{i,k} = [conv(e_j, f)^T * P_i * v_i], 
     where v_i^T is the i-th row of V, and P_i samples the entries from 
     conv(e_j, f)^T indicated by the ith row of the keep_indices matrix """ 

    cdef int k = keep_indices.shape[1] 

    cdef np.ndarray M = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=DTYPE) 
    cdef np.ndarray ej = np.zeros((m,), dtype=DTYPE) 
    cdef np.ndarray convolution 
    cdef int rowidx, colidx, kidx 

    for rowidx in range(n): 
     for colidx in range(m): 
      ej[colidx] = 1 
      convolution = convolve(ej, filtertaps, mode='full') 
      for kidx in range(k): 
       M[rowidx, colidx] += convolution[keep_indices[rowidx, kidx]] * V[rowidx, kidx] 
      ej[colidx] = 0 

    return M 

cat > test_calcM.py << 'EOF' 

import numpy as np 
from fastcalcM import calcM 

filtertaps = np.array([-1, 2, -1]).astype(np.float32) 
n, m = 6, 7 
keep_indices = np.array([[1, 3], 
         [4, 5], 
         [2, 2], 
         [5, 5], 
         [3, 4], 
         [4, 5]]).astype(np.int) 
V = np.random.random_integers(-5, 5, size=(6, 2)).astype(np.float32) 

print calcM(filtertaps, n, m, keep_indices, V) 

cat > test.sh << 'EOF' 

python setup.py build_ext --inplace 
echo -e "%run test_calcM\n%timeit calcM(filtertaps, n, m, keep_indices, V)" > script.ipy 
ipython script.ipy 

cat > setup.py << 'EOF' 

from distutils.core import setup 
from Cython.Build import cythonize 
import numpy 

    name="Fast convolutions", 
    include_dirs = [numpy.get_include()], 
    ext_modules = cythonize("fastcalcM.pyx") 









Line #  Hits   Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents 
    15           def calcM(filtertaps, n, m, keep_indices, V): 
    16  4111   3615  0.9  0.1  k = keep_indices.shape[1] 
    17  4111   8024  2.0  0.1  M = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=np.float32) 
    18  4111   6090  1.5  0.1  ej = np.zeros((m,), dtype=np.float32) 
    20  28777  18690  0.6  0.3  for rowidx in range(n): 
    21 197328  123284  0.6  2.2   for colidx in range(m): 
    22 172662  112348  0.7  2.0    ej[colidx] = 1 
    23 172662  4076225  23.6  73.6    convolution = convolve(ej, filtertaps, mode='full') 
    24 517986  395513  0.8  7.1    for kidx in range(k): 
    25 345324  668309  1.9  12.1     M[rowidx, colidx] += convolution[keep_indices[rowidx, kidx]] * V[rowidx, kidx] 
    26 172662  120271  0.7  2.2    ej[colidx] = 0 
    28  4111   2374  0.6  0.0  return M 


爲什麼convolve變慢?那麼,它有很多開銷。 numpy/scipy通常會;對於大型數據集最好。如果你知道陣列的大小會保持很小,只需在Cython中重新實現convolve即可。

哦,嘗試使用緩衝區語法。對於2D陣列使用DTYPE[:, :],對於1D陣列使用DTYPE[:],等等。它是memoryview協議,它更好。有些情況下,它有更多的開銷,但這些通常可以解決,而且在大多數其他方面都更好。



import numpy as np 
from scipy.signal.sigtools import _correlateND 

def calcM(filtertaps, n, m, keep_indices, V): 
    k = keep_indices.shape[1] 
    M = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=np.float32) 
    ej = np.zeros((m,), dtype=np.float32) 

    slice_obj = [slice(None, None, -1)] * len(filtertaps.shape) 
    sliced_filtertaps_view = filtertaps[slice_obj] 

    ps = ej.shape[0] + sliced_filtertaps_view.shape[0] - 1 
    in1zpadded = np.zeros(ps, ej.dtype) 
    out = np.empty(ps, ej.dtype) 

    for rowidx in range(n): 
     for colidx in range(m): 
      in1zpadded[colidx] = 1 

      convolution = _correlateND(in1zpadded, sliced_filtertaps_view, out, 2) 

      for kidx in range(k): 
       M[rowidx, colidx] += convolution[keep_indices[rowidx, kidx]] * V[rowidx, kidx] 

      in1zpadded[colidx] = 0 

    return M 



import numpy as np 
cimport numpy as np 
from scipy.signal.sigtools import _correlateND 

ctypedef np.float32_t DTYPE_t 

def calcM(filtertaps, int n, int m, np.int_t[:, :] t_keep_indices, DTYPE_t[:, :] t_V): 
    cdef int rowidx, colidx, kidx, k 
    cdef DTYPE_t[:, :] t_M 
    cdef DTYPE_t[:] t_in1zpadded, t_convolution 

    k = t_keep_indices.shape[1] 
    t_M = M = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=np.float32) 
    ej = np.zeros((m,), dtype=np.float32) 

    slice_obj = [slice(None, None, -1)] * len(filtertaps.shape) 
    sliced_filtertaps_view = filtertaps[slice_obj] 

    ps = ej.shape[0] + sliced_filtertaps_view.shape[0] - 1 
    t_in1zpadded = in1zpadded = np.zeros(ps, ej.dtype) 
    out = np.empty(ps, ej.dtype) 

    for rowidx in range(n): 
     for colidx in range(m): 
      t_in1zpadded[colidx] = 1 

      t_convolution = _correlateND(in1zpadded, sliced_filtertaps_view, out, 2) 

      for kidx in range(k): 
       t_M[rowidx, colidx] += t_convolution[<int>t_keep_indices[rowidx, kidx]] * t_V[rowidx, kidx] 

      t_in1zpadded[colidx] = 0 

    return M 



感謝您的細節!我不明白關於轉換類型或內存視圖語法的一點,但是一般來說,這聽起來很重要且有用;我會查找它們,實施你的建議,並可能最終接受這個答案。順便說一句,你會如何改善時間估計?任何指導方針都會有很大的幫助:我試圖養成一個習慣,弄清楚我的代碼和最佳可能之間的差距。我能想到的唯一被省略的因素是內存訪問成本(這可能會僞造我的估計)。 – AatG


你通常不能只是猜測那樣的時間。首先,「O(nm)」與「nm」不同。另外,操作速​​度也有很大的不同,而且大量的開銷是不可避免的。我的猜測是'_correlateND'交易速度的準確性。你總是可以嘗試自己實現它(或從頭開始)。 – Veedrac