2012-12-15 69 views

這是我們在圖像處理作業中的練習。我的代碼工作正常。我想獲得一些代碼優化方面的幫助。matlab中的二維卷積 - 代碼優化

function C = convolve_slow(A,B) 
(file name is accordingly convolve_slow.m) 
This routine performs convolution between an image A and a mask B. 
Input:  A - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) 
      B - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) serves as a mask in the convolution. 
Output:  C - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) - the output of the convolution. 
         C is the same size as A. 

Method: Convolve A with mask B using zero padding. Assume the origin of B is at 
Do NOT use matlab convolution routines (conv,conv2,filter2 etc). 
Make the routine as efficient as possible: Restrict usage of for loops which are expensive (use matrix multiplications and matlab routines such as dot etc). 
To simplify and reduce ifs, you should pad the image with zeros before starting your convolution loop. 
Do not assume the size of A nor B (B might actually be larger than A sometimes). 


function [ C ] = convolve_slow(A,B) 
%This routine performs convolution between an image A and a mask B. 
% Input:  A - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) 
%    B - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) serves as a mask in the convolution. 
% Output:  C - a grayscale image (values in [0,255]) - the output of the convolution. 
%    C is the same size as A. 
% Method: Convolve A with mask B using zero padding. Assume the origin of B is at floor(size(B)/2)+1. 
% init C to size A with zeros 
C = zeros(size(A)); 
% make b xy-reflection and vector 
vectB = reshape(flipdim(flipdim(B,1),2)' ,[] , 1); 
% padding A with zeros 
paddedA = padarray(A, [floor(size(B,1)/2) floor(size(B,2)/2)]); 
% Loop over A matrix: 
for i = 1:size(A,1) 
    for j = 1:size(A,2) 
     startAi = i; 
     finishAi = i + size(B,1) - 1; 
     startAj = j; 
     finishAj = j + size(B,2) - 1; 
     vectPaddedA = reshape(paddedA(startAi :finishAi,startAj:finishAj)',1,[]); 
     C(i,j) = vectPaddedA* vectB; 



你允許使用FFT2和ifft2以任何方式運作?如果是這樣,這將是一種獲得快速解決方案的方法。 – MarkV


不,對不起,主要的概念是我們實施卷積以瞭解它是如何工作的。它的工作原理!現在我想看看是否有辦法做得更好。 – Gilad






function A = tmpConv(A,B) 

    filterSize = size(B,1); 
    filterSize2 = floor(filterSize/2); 
    inputSize = size(A); 

    A = padarray(A,[filterSize2 filterSize2]); 

    f = repmat(B(:),[1 inputSize(1)*inputSize(2)]); 
    A = im2col(A,[filterSize filterSize]); 
    A = reshape(sum(A.*f),inputSize); 

這會計算相關性,而不是卷積。你必須爲此過濾器旋轉180度。此外,構建'f'矩陣並不是必需的,因爲通過將'A''與(反向)濾波器向量矩陣相乘來實現相同的結果。 – Joost