2011-02-15 71 views

嗨:) 我有一個生成點,位在球體的表面產生變形(使用python?)

from math import sin, cos, pi 

toRad = pi/180 

ox = 10 
oy = -10 
oz = 50 

radius = 10.0 
radBump = 3.0 

angleMin = 0 
angleMax = 360 
angleOffset = angleMin * toRad 
angleRange = (angleMax - angleMin) * toRad 

steps = 48 
angleStep = angleRange/steps 
latMin = 0 
latMax = 180 
latOffset = latMin * toRad 
if (latOffset < 0): 
    latOffset = 0; 

latRange = (latMax - latMin) * toRad 
if (latRange > pi): 
    latRange = pi - latOffset; 

latSteps = 48 
latAngleStep = latRange/latSteps 

for lat in range(0, latSteps): 
    ang = lat * latAngleStep + latOffset 
    z = cos(ang) * radius + oz 
    radMod = sin(ang) * radius 

    for a in range(0, steps): 
     x = sin(a * angleStep + angleOffset) * radMod + ox 
     y = cos(a * angleStep + angleOffset) * radMod + oy 
     print "%f %f %f"%(x,y,z) 


你能給出關於如何在該球體上產生變形的提示嗎? 就像「山」或「尖刺」呢? (類似OpenBSD的標誌):https://https.openbsd.org/images/tshirt-23.gif






from math import sin, cos, pi, radians, ceil 
import itertools 

    rng = xrange # Python 2.x 
except NameError: 
    rng = range  # Python 3.x 

# for the following calculations, 
# - all angles are in radians (unless otherwise specified) 
# - latitude is in [-pi/2..pi/2] 
# - longitude is in [-pi..pi) 
MIN_LAT = -pi/2 # South Pole 
MAX_LAT = pi/2 # North Pole 
MIN_LON = -pi  # Far West 
MAX_LON = pi  # Far East 

def floatRange(start, end=None, step=1.0): 
    "Floating-point range generator" 
    start += 0.0 # cast to float 
    if end is None: 
     end = start 
     start = 0.0 
    steps = int(ceil((end-start)/step)) 
    return (start + k*step for k in rng(0, steps+1)) 

def patch2d(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, step=1.0): 
    "2d rectangular grid generator" 
    if xmin>xmax: 
     xmin,xmax = xmax,xmin 
    xrange = floatRange(xmin, xmax, step) 

    if ymin>ymax: 
     ymin,ymax = ymax,ymin 
    yrange = floatRange(ymin, ymax, step) 

    return itertools.product(xrange, yrange) 

def patch2d_to_3d(xyIter, zFn): 
    "Convert 2d field to 2.5d height-field" 
    mapFn = lambda a: (a[0], a[1], zFn(a[0],a[1])) 
    return itertools.imap(mapFn, xyIter) 

# Representation conversion functions  

def to_spherical(lon, lat, rad): 
    "Map from spherical to spherical coordinates (identity function)" 
    return lon, lat, rad 

def to_cylindrical(lon, lat, rad): 
    "Map from spherical to cylindrical coordinates" 
    # angle, z, radius 
    return lon, rad*sin(lat), rad*cos(lat) 

def to_cartesian(lon, lat, rad): 
    "Map from spherical to Cartesian coordinates" 
    # x, y, z 
    cos_lat = cos(lat) 
    return rad*cos_lat*cos(lon), rad*cos_lat*sin(lon), rad*sin(lat) 

def bumpySphere(gridSize, radiusFn, outConv): 
    lonlat = patch2d(MIN_LON, MAX_LON, MIN_LAT, MAX_LAT, gridSize) 
    return list(outConv(*lonlatrad) for lonlatrad in patch2d_to_3d(lonlat, radiusFn)) 

# make a plain sphere of radius 10  
sphere = bumpySphere(radians(5.0), lambda x,y: 10.0, to_cartesian)  

# spiky-star-function maker 
def starFnMaker(xWidth, xOffset, yWidth, yOffset, minRad, maxRad): 
    # make a spiky-star function: 
    # longitudinal and latitudinal triangular waveforms, 
    # joined as boolean intersection, 
    # resulting in a grid of positive square pyramids 
    def starFn(x, y, xWidth=xWidth, xOffset=xOffset, yWidth=yWidth, yOffset=yOffset, minRad=minRad, maxRad=maxRad): 
     xo = ((x-xOffset)/float(xWidth)) % 1.0 # xo in [0.0..1.0), progress across a single pattern-repetition 
     xh = 2 * min(xo, 1.0-xo)     # height at xo in [0.0..1.0] 
     xHeight = minRad + xh*(maxRad-minRad) 

     yo = ((y-yOffset)/float(yWidth)) % 1.0 
     yh = 2 * min(yo, 1.0-yo) 
     yHeight = minRad + yh*(maxRad-minRad) 

     return min(xHeight, yHeight) 
    return starFn 

# parameters to spike-star-function maker  
width = 2*pi 
horDivs = 20 # number of waveforms longitudinally 
horShift = 0.0 # longitudinal offset in [0.0..1.0) of a wave 

height = pi 
verDivs = 10 
verShift = 0.5  # leave spikes at the poles 

minRad = 10.0 
maxRad = 15.0 

deathstarFn = starFnMaker(width/horDivs, width*horShift/horDivs, height/verDivs, height*verShift/verDivs, minRad, maxRad) 

deathstar = bumpySphere(radians(2.0), deathstarFn, to_cartesian) 

嘿人感謝很多:)這是超酷:)你擊敗了地獄 的問題! 我正在控制點(oo)的方法,所以我可以在本地變形,我會很快發佈;) 再次感謝! – ramrunner 2011-02-15 18:45:57



# we have already computed a points position on the sphere, and 
# called it x,y,z 
for p in controlPoints: 
    dx = p.x - x 
    dy = p.y - y 
    dz = p.z - z 
    xDisplace += 1/(dx*dx) 
    yDisplace += 1/(dy*dy) 
    zDisplace += 1/(dz*dz) # using distance^2 displacement 
x += xDisplace 
y += yDisplace 
z += zDisplace 

通過改變控制點可以改變球的形狀 通過改變運動功能,你可以改變分形球體 你可以得到真正棘手,並有不同的功能不同的方式要點:

# we have already computed a points position on the sphere, and 
# called it x,y,z 
for p in controlPoints: 
    xDisplace += p.displacementFunction(x) 
    yDisplace += p.displacementFunction(y) 
    zDisplace += p.displacementFunction(z) 
x += xDisplace 
y += yDisplace 
z += zDisplace 



非常感謝,我工作的這個方法,我將它張貼。 似乎很好控制! :) – ramrunner 2011-02-15 18:48:50


所以最後創建的使用一組控制點的是「拉」的球形表面 變形。它是沉重的OO和醜陋雖然;) 感謝所有的幫助! 使用它>å文件與gnuplot的:splot「å文件」 W L


from math import sin, cos, pi ,sqrt,exp 
class Point: 
    """a 3d point class""" 
    def __init__(self,x,y,z): 
      self.x = x 
      self.y = y 
      self.z = z 
    def __repr__(self): 
      return "%f %f %f\n"%(self.x,self.y,self.z) 
    def __str__(self): 
      return "point centered: %f %f %f\n"%(self.x,self.y,self.z) 
    def distance(self,b): 
      return sqrt((self.x - b.x)**2 +(self.y - b.y)**2 +(self.z -b.z)**2) 
    def displaceTowards(self,b): 

class ControlPoint(Point): 
    """a control point that deforms positions of other points""" 
    def __init__(self,p): 

    def deforms(self,p): 
    def deformothers(self): 
      #print self.deformspoints 
      for i in range(0,len(self.deformspoints)): 
        self.deformspoints[i].x += (self.x - self.deformspoints[i].x)/2 
        self.deformspoints[i].y += (self.y - self.deformspoints[i].y)/2 
        self.deformspoints[i].z += (self.z - self.deformspoints[i].z)/2 
class Sphere: 
    """returns points on a sphere""" 
    def __init__(self,radius,angleMin,angleMax,latMin,latMax,discrStep,ox,oy,oz): 
      toRad = pi/180 
      self.angleRange = (self.angleMax - self.angleMin)*toRad 
      self.angleOffset = self.angleMin*toRad 
      self.angleStep = self.angleRange/self.discrStep 
      self.latOffset = self.latMin*toRad 
      self.latRange = (self.latMax - self.latMin) * toRad 
      self.latAngleStep = self.latRange/self.discrStep 
      if(self.latOffset <0): 
        self.latOffset = 0 
      if(self.latRange > pi): 
        self.latRange = pi - latOffset 

    def CartesianPoints(self): 
      PointList = [] 
      for lat in range(0,self.discrStep): 
        ang = lat * self.latAngleStep + self.latOffset 
        z = cos(ang) * self.radius + self.oz 

        radMod = sin(ang)*self.radius 

        for a in range(0,self.discrStep): 
          x = sin(a*self.angleStep+self.angleOffset)*radMod+self.ox 
          y = cos(a*self.angleStep+self.angleOffset)*radMod+self.oy 
      return PointList 
mysphere = Sphere(10.0,0,360,0,180,50,10,10,10) 
mylist = mysphere.CartesianPoints() 
cpoints = [ControlPoint(Point(0.0,0.0,0.0)),ControlPoint(Point(20.0,0.0,0.0))] 
for cp in cpoints: 
    for p in mylist: 
      if(p.distance(cp) < 15.0): 
    """print "cp ",cp,"deforms:" 
    for dp in cp.deformspoints: 
      print dp ,"at distance", dp.distance(cp)""" 
out= mylist.__repr__() 
s = out.replace(","," ") 
print s