2010-04-01 66 views

我認爲我設法腐敗一個mercurial存儲庫,有無論如何恢復損害?試圖回購更新到我的默認分支時,我得到的消息是:腐敗mercurial存儲庫 - 不能更新

PS C:\wco\projects\ims\code> hg up -C default 
abort: data/Trunk/application/models/[email protected]: no match found! 


PS C:\wco\projects\ims\code> hg verify 
checking changesets 
checking manifests 
crosschecking files in changesets and manifests 
checking files 
data/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
0: empty or missing .buildpath 
[email protected]: daf15acb5273 in manifests not found 
data/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
0: empty or missing .project 
[email protected]: e8b25997d6d1 in manifests not found 
Rawlings IMS/[email protected]: empty or missing copy source revlog index.html:b8b2b36a6eea 
Rawlings IMS/[email protected]: empty or missing copy source revlog index.php:a5f76bf232e9 
Rawlings IMS/[email protected]: empty or missing copy source revlog index_backup.php:a5f76bf232e9 
Rawlings IMS/[email protected]: empty or missing copy source revlog index_this_hold.html:b8b2b36a6eea 
Rawlings IMS/[email protected]: empty or missing copy source revlog testera.php:6e9e3666c1bc 
Trunk/application/models/[email protected]: 83dbdfb60981 in manifests not found 
data/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
0: empty or missing index.html 
[email protected]: b8b2b36a6eea in manifests not found 
data/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
0: empty or missing index.php 
[email protected]: a5f76bf232e9 in manifests not found 
data/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
0: empty or missing index_backup.php 
[email protected]: a5f76bf232e9 in manifests not found 
data/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
0: empty or missing index_this_hold.html 
[email protected]: b8b2b36a6eea in manifests not found 
data/nbproject/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
14: empty or missing nbproject/project.properties 
nbproject/[email protected]: 1efa3074378b in manifests not found 
data/nbproject/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
14: empty or missing nbproject/project.xml 
nbproject/[email protected]: 52689bf2b35a in manifests not found 
data/rcrawley/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
9: empty or missing rcrawley/.buildpath 
rcrawley/[email protected]: 2c6411d4fcff in manifests not found 
data/rcrawley/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
9: empty or missing rcrawley/.project 
rcrawley/[email protected]: cb4b1495acab in manifests not found 
data/rcrawley/assets/images/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
9: empty or missing rcrawley/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif 
rcrawley/assets/images/[email protected]: 8ef26516c7da in manifests not found 
data/rcrawley/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
9: empty or missing rcrawley/index.html 
rcrawley/[email protected]: 545246299dee in manifests not found 
data/rcrawley/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
9: empty or missing rcrawley/index.php 
rcrawley/[email protected]: 66eac798ed6d in manifests not found 
data/rcrawley/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
9: empty or missing rcrawley/index_backup.php 
rcrawley/[email protected]: 93971228fbf5 in manifests not found 
data/rcrawley/system/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
9: empty or missing rcrawley/system/index.html 
rcrawley/system/[email protected]: 17360d3b566e in manifests not found 
data/rcrawley/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
9: empty or missing rcrawley/testera.php 
rcrawley/[email protected]: 7d9bd5196740 in manifests not found 
data/[email protected]: missing revlog! 
0: empty or missing testera.php 
[email protected]: 6e9e3666c1bc in manifests not found 
1646 files, 59 changesets, 1897 total revisions 
57 integrity errors encountered! 
(first damaged changeset appears to be 0) 




@richzilla:在這裏沒有幫助,但是我有一個本地「只推送」存儲庫,當我的主存儲庫通過*「hg verify」*時,我只會推送它。這種方式應該讓sh * t打到粉絲那裏,我的機器上總是有一個回購,處於已知的良好狀態。不知道這是否有任何意義,但我仍然這樣做:) – SyntaxT3rr0r 2010-04-01 20:10:08


請打開一個bugreport(很多失蹤的revlog意味着我們可以做的事情不多,但我們可以嘗試瞭解它是如何發生的)。 – tonfa 2010-04-01 22:28:38


順便說一句,你最好的選擇是用文件圖將hg-> hg轉換成不包含缺失的文件(我打賭你根據模式刪除了文件,這些文件刪除了.hg文件)。 另一個問題是:你有其他地方的備份或工作存儲庫嗎? – tonfa 2010-04-01 22:30:22



您的回購看起來像炒 - 並將其作爲錯誤報告發送給Mercurial bug跟蹤器&與mpm在mercurial irc聊天室中交談,他非常有幫助。