2014-10-06 92 views


    username  username 
    username_a_1 username_b_1 
    username_a_1 username_b_4 
    username_a_2 username_b_1 
    username_a_2 username_b_4 
    username_a_3 username_b_5 
    username_a_4 username_b_2 
    username_a_4 username_b_3 
    username_a_5 username_b_1 
    username_a_5 username_b_4 
<table border="1" > 

$query1='SELECT username FROM contacts_a '; 

$query2="SELECT contacts_a.username,contacts_b.username FROM contacts_a LEFT JOIN contacts_b ON contacts_a.level=contacts_b.level"; 

     foreach($query_array1 as $index => $names){ 

      echo '<tr> 
         <td>'.(($names == NULL)? 'NULL': $names).'</td> 
     }//end of foreach 

    }//end of while 


     foreach($query_array2 as $index => $names){ 

      echo '<tr> 
         <td>'.(($names == NULL)? 'NULL': $names).'</td> 
     }//end of foreach 

    }//end of while 



請不要使用'mysql_ *'函數](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12859942/why-shouldnt-i-use-mysql-functions-in-php)。 *他們不再維護,並[已正式棄用](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/mysql_deprecation)*。學習[準備的語句](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prepared_statement),並使用[PDO](http://us1.php.net/pdo)或[MySQLi](http:// us1.php.net/mysqli)。 [本文](http://php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.api.choosing.php)將幫助你決定。 – 2014-10-06 18:12:15


您已在第二個查詢中擁有所有需要的數據:contacts_a.username是第一個查詢的用戶名,contacts_b.username是第二個查詢的用戶名。只需循環第二組數據即可打印到您的表格。 – Mark 2014-10-06 18:14:09


...並向該查詢中添加一個ORDER BY'子句,以獲取您指定的序列中返回的行,而不是允許數據庫以任意順序返回行。 – spencer7593 2014-10-06 19:01:29




// Select the data, all together now. The difference is we'll give it a name 
$query2="SELECT contacts_a.username as firstTableName, 
       contacts_b.username as secondTableName 
      FROM contacts_a 
     LEFT JOIN contacts_b 
      ON contacts_a.level = contacts_b.level"; 

// Execute the Query 

// Loop over our results... 
while($query_array1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run1)) { 
    // We're going to use this again, give it a good name 
    $firstName = ($query_array1['firstTableName'] == NULL) ? 'NULL' : 
    $secondName = ($query_array1['secondTableName'] == NULL) ? 'NULL' : 

    // Put out a new table row 
    echo '<tr>'; 
     // And our first TD... 
     echo '<td>' . firstName .'</td>'; 
     echo '<td>' . secondName .'</td>'; 
    echo '</tr>'; 

// End our loop 
} // So Long and Thanks for All the Fish! 

一些其他的想法:Don't use MySQL!你也可以擺脫現在第一次查詢的,因爲它是多餘的。關於你的NULL檢查,如果數據以空字符串的形式出現,會發生什麼?通常我會檢查null和空引號:「'或」「,以確保我能夠找回我想要的內容。免責聲明:我沒有真正嘗試這個,我使用PDO,所以我的MySQL語法用於取回和讀取MySQL數組可能是不正確的!


感謝您的回答,但我的大問題是如何填寫兩列表的同時,當我有2個查詢,而你寫的while循環沒有做到這一點 – 2014-10-06 19:31:44

$qa1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run1); 
$qa2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run2); 

do { 
    echo '<tr> 
    <td>'.(current($qa1) == NULL ? 'NULL': current($qa1)).'</td> 
    <td>'.(current($qa2) == NULL ? 'NULL': current($qa2)).'</td> 
} while(next($qa1) || next($qa2)); 