我想用石墨配置長頸鹿(0.9.10)。 Graphite在8080端口上運行成功,我能夠在端口9000上運行長頸鹿。我曾嘗試在長頸鹿中配置dashboards.js以指向石墨內的測試指標(foo.bar.bz),但我沒有看到任何圖表該指標的長頸鹿(僅在石墨中)。我最有可能配置錯誤dashboards.js - 任何建議解決/疑難解答這將不勝感激。無法配置石墨長頸鹿
更新: 的JSONP嘗試配置錯誤 - 我在瀏覽器控制檯中看到的錯誤如下(不匹配dashboards.js的當前版本,我在服務器上):
var graphite_url = "";
var dashboards =
{ "name": "foo.bar.bz", // give your dashboard a name (required!)
"refresh": 5000, // each dashboard has its own refresh interval (in ms)
// add an (optional) dashboard description. description can be written in markdown/html.
"description": "foo.bar.bz test" ,
"metrics": // metrics is an array of charts on the dashboard
"alias": "foo.bar.bz", // display name for this metric
"target": "foo.bar.bz", // enter your graphite barebone target expression here
"description": "New test", // enter your metric description here
"summary": "sum", // available options: [sum|min|max|avg|last|<function>]
"summary_formatter": d3.format(",f") // customize your summary format function. see d3 formatting docs for more options
"alias": "signup breakdown",
"targets": ["sumSeries(enter.your.graphite.metrics.here)", // targets array is also supported
"sumSeries(enter.another.graphite.metrics)"], // see below for more advanced usage
"description": "signup breakdown based on site location",
"renderer": "area", // use any rickshaw-supported renderer
"unstack": true // other parameters like unstack, interpolation, stroke, min, height are also available (see rickshaw documentation for more info)
"alias": "Registration breakdown",
"target": "sumSeries(enter.your.graphite.metrics.here)",
// target can use a javascript function. This allows using dynamic parameters (e.g. period). See a few functions
// at the bottom of this file.
"target": function() { return 'summarize(events.registration.success,"' + entire_period() + 'min)' },
"renderer": "bar",
"description": "Registrations based on channel",
"hover_formatter": d3.format("03.6g"), // customize your hover format
"null_as": 0 // null values are normally ignored, but you can convert null to a specific value (usually zero)
{ "name": "Visuals",
"refresh": 10000,
// you can use any rickshaw supported color scheme.
// Enter palette name as string, or an array of colors
// (see var scheme at the bottom).
// Schemes can be configured globally (see below), per-dashboard, or per-metric
"scheme": "classic9", // this is a dashboard-specific color palette
"description": "#Visual settings <img class='pull-right' src='img/giraffe.png' />",
"alias": "network",
"target": "aliasByNode(derivative(servers.system.eth*),4)",
"events": "*", // instead of annotator, if you use the graphite events feature
// you can retrieve events matching specific tag(s) -- space separated
// or use * for all tags. Note you cannot use both annotator and events.
"description": "main system cpu usage on production (cardinal interpolation, line renderer, colspan=3)",
"interpolation": "linear",
"colspan": 3,
"alias": "cpu utilization",
"target": "aliasByNode(derivative(servers.system.cpu.*),4)", // target can use any graphite-supported wildcards
"annotator": 'events.deployment', // a simple annotator will track a graphite event and mark it as 'deployment'.
// enter your graphite target as a string
"description": "cpu utilization on production (using linear interpolation). Summary displays the average across all series",
"interpolation": "linear", // you can use different rickshaw interpolation values
"stroke_width": 1, // change stroke width
"summary": "avg",
"alias": "proc mem prod",
"targets": ["aliasByNode(derivative(servers.system.cpu.user),4)", // targets array can include strings,
// functions or dictionaries
{target: 'alias(derivative(servers.system.cpu.system,"system utilization")',
alias: 'system utilization', // if you use a graphite alias, specify it here
color: '#f00'}], // you can also specify a target color this way
// (note that these values are ignored on the demo)
// annotator can also be a dictionary of target and description.
// However, only one annotator is supported per-metric.
"annotator": {'target' : 'events.deployment',
'description' : 'deploy'},
"description": "main process memory usage on production (different colour scheme and interpolation)",
"interpolation": "step-before",
"scheme": "munin", // this is a metric-specific color palette
"alias": "sys mem prod",
"target": "aliasByNode(derivative(servers.system.cpu.*),4)",
"events": "*", // instead of annotator, if you use the graphite events feature
// you can retrieve events matching specific tag(s) -- space separated
// or use * for all tags. Note you cannot use both annotator and events.
"description": "main system memory usage on production (cardinal interpolation, line renderer)",
"interpolation": "cardinal",
"renderer": "line",
"max": 150, // you can specify max value for the y-axis
"min": 20, // and also min
{ "name": "Setup",
"refresh": 10000,
"scheme": "colorwheel",
"graphite_url": "demo", // you can override the default graphite_url with a dashboard-specific url
"description": "#Setup and configuration <img class='pull-right' src='img/giraffe.png' />"
+"\nTo install giraffe, simply [download](https://github.com/kenhub/giraffe/archive/master.zip) the code and run it from your browser."
+"\nYou can put it on any type of web server, and also open the `index.html` file from your local drive."
+"\nGiraffe uses JSONP to retrieve the data from your graphite server. It should work out of the box, unless you"
+"\nhave setup authentication. Basic authentication seems to work in Firefox (it will prompt you), "
+"\nbut with Chrome you might need to authenticate to your graphite server first, and then access Giraffe."
+"\nThe main configuration for all dashboards is found in `dashboards.js`. The file is reasonably self-explanatory, "
+"\nso please take a look."
+"\nIf you need to change the page layout, CSS, or add/remove a time period, you can also edit `index.html` and `css/main.css` file."
"alias": "production HTTP req",
"target": "aliasByNode(derivative(servers.gluteus-medius.Http.http_response_rates.*),4)",
"renderer": "bar",
"interpolation": "cardinal",
"summary": "last",
var scheme = [
function relative_period() { return (typeof period == 'undefined') ? 1 : parseInt(period/7) + 1; }
function entire_period() { return (typeof period == 'undefined') ? 1 : period; }
function at_least_a_day() { return entire_period() >= 1440 ? entire_period() : 1440; }
我最初使用giraffe-web並使用nginx來代理對節點服務的請求。由於我暫時停止使用giraffe-web,我已經從nginx默認文件(下面複製的相關部分)中註釋掉了代理部分。我作爲一個單獨的服務器在端口86上運行 - 如果這是問題,我可以更改我的nginx conf文件。截至目前,長頸鹿webUI無法檢索到我試圖從石墨中檢索的測試指標(我可以在石墨中查看該指標圖表)。我已將dashboards.js更改爲運行該服務的IP地址。如果沒有其他工作,我可以嘗試更改服務器的主機名。謝謝。
服務器{##長頸鹿石墨前端 listen 86; listen [::]:86; ## ipv6only = on; server_name長頸鹿; root/opt/graphite/webapp/giraffe-master /; index index.html index.htm; ##每臺服務器的日誌記錄 access_log /var/log/nginx/giraffe/access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/giraffe/error.log;
#proxy_redirect off;
#proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
#proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
#proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
#proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
#proxy_set_header X-Nginx-Proxy true;
#proxy_set_header Connection "";
#proxy_http_version 1.1;
#proxy_set_header Host $host; ##removed the $http_host option
#proxy_pass http://giraffe;
感謝您回覆。我昨天試着在你的評論之前更改了網址,但由於某種原因,即使在我重新啓動/重新加載nginx(我很可能錯過了某些內容)之後,新網址並未被拾取。我將再次嘗試 - 並使用/ opt/graphite/webapps目錄中的長頸鹿目錄。一旦我取得進展或卡住,我會更新。再次感謝您的迴應。 –
我不完全確定爲什麼,但即使我硬編碼了文件中的IP地址,dashboards.js文件仍然提到了localhost:8080。我正在使用長頸鹿網絡(節點)發射長頸鹿。 –
我嘗試了沒有長頸鹿網絡節點服務的nginx路由。 JSONP調用仍然無效(URL現在是ip地址:nginx的監聽端口號/石墨端口號/ ...),這顯然是失敗的。 –