### create some example datasets
coords_A = cbind(runif(10, 1, 10), runif(10,1,10))
sp_A = SpatialPoints(coords_A)
spdf_A = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords_A, data.frame(varA=letters[1:10]))
coords_B = cbind(runif(10, 1, 10), runif(10,1,10))
sp_B = SpatialPoints(coords_B)
spdf_B = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords_B, data.frame(varB=letters[11:20], varC=LETTERS[11:20]))
### compute the complete distance matrix between the two sets of points
dist_mat <- pointDistance(spdf_A, spdf_B, lonlat = FALSE, allpairs = TRUE)
### identify nearest point in dataset B for every point in dataset A
nearest <- apply(dist_mat, 1, which.min)
### bind together the data from the dataset B (in your case the "red points")
### at the closest point to dataset A ("black points")
[email protected]<- cbind([email protected], [email protected][nearest,])
你的模擬例子像一個魅力工作,謝謝! –
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這是一個關於空間數據集的普通R編程問題 - 答案在我看來非常好 - 應該發佈給大家來欣賞。我無法在任何其他論壇找到這個問題的答案。 –