我想要計算分裂一個大矩陣後遇到的相等矩陣的個數。numpy - count數組相等
mat1 = np.zeros((4, 8))
split4x4 = np.split(mat1, 4)
我想要計算分裂一個大矩陣後遇到的相等矩陣的個數。numpy - count數組相等
mat1 = np.zeros((4, 8))
split4x4 = np.split(mat1, 4)
import numpy_indexed as npi
unique_rows, row_counts = npi.count(mat1)
import numpy as np
# Generate some sample data:
a = np.random.uniform(size=(8,3))
# With repetition:
a = np.r_[a,a]
# Split a in 4 arrays
s = np.asarray(np.split(a, 4))
s = [tuple(e.flatten()) for e in s]
np.unique(s, return_counts=True)
的其它純numpy的溶液從that post
# Generate some sample data:
In: a = np.random.uniform(size=(8,3))
# With some repetition
In: a = r_[a,a]
In: a.shape
Out: (16,3)
# Split a in 4 arrays
In: s = np.asarray(np.split(a, 4))
In: print s
Out: [[[ 0.78284847 0.28883662 0.53369866]
[ 0.48249722 0.02922249 0.0355066 ]
[ 0.05346797 0.35640319 0.91879326]
[ 0.1645498 0.15131476 0.1717498 ]]
[[ 0.98696629 0.8102581 0.84696276]
[ 0.12612661 0.45144896 0.34802173]
[ 0.33667377 0.79371788 0.81511075]
[ 0.81892789 0.41917167 0.81450135]]
[[ 0.78284847 0.28883662 0.53369866]
[ 0.48249722 0.02922249 0.0355066 ]
[ 0.05346797 0.35640319 0.91879326]
[ 0.1645498 0.15131476 0.1717498 ]]
[[ 0.98696629 0.8102581 0.84696276]
[ 0.12612661 0.45144896 0.34802173]
[ 0.33667377 0.79371788 0.81511075]
[ 0.81892789 0.41917167 0.81450135]]]
In: s.shape
Out: (4, 4, 3)
# Flatten the array:
In: s = asarray([e.flatten() for e in s])
In: s.shape
Out: (4, 12)
# Sort the rows using lexsort:
In: idx = np.lexsort(s.T)
In: s_sorted = s[idx]
# Create a mask to get unique rows
In: row_mask = np.append([True],np.any(np.diff(s_sorted,axis=0),1))
# Get unique rows:
In: out = s_sorted[row_mask]
# and count:
In: for e in out:
count = (e == s).all(axis=1).sum()
print e.reshape(4,3), count
Out:[[ 0.78284847 0.28883662 0.53369866]
[ 0.48249722 0.02922249 0.0355066 ]
[ 0.05346797 0.35640319 0.91879326]
[ 0.1645498 0.15131476 0.1717498 ]] 2
[[ 0.98696629 0.8102581 0.84696276]
[ 0.12612661 0.45144896 0.34802173]
[ 0.33667377 0.79371788 0.81511075]
[ 0.81892789 0.41917167 0.81450135]] 2
你在第一個例子中使用python 3嗎?因爲我從'a = r_ [a,a]'得到' 'NameError:名稱'r_'沒有被定義' – andandandand
@andandandand不,我不知道。這是我的錯,我在'r_'之前忘記了'np',這是一種快速構建數組的簡單方法(參見:http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.r_的.html)。我剛剛糾正了我的答案。 – bougui
啓發我是一個業餘所以這可能聽起來愚蠢,但np.split()將默認分割在相等的片所指定(爲例如陣列: 4在上面的例子),如果它不能比它拋出一個錯誤。那麼,爲什麼你需要找出這些信息,這不僅僅是4? –