2014-10-17 56 views



我能夠正常讀取文件。我創建了2個課程。 1類叫class subscriptionYear,讀取我調用int year的年份,以及讀取每個統計數據的變量double subscription。第二類叫Class Country。它讀取名爲String countryNames的國家和稱爲SubscriptionYear[] subscriptions的1d陣列,該陣列包含該國家的所有訂閱數據。我在名爲addSubscriptionYear(int year, double countryData)的課程國家中有兩種方法,它們讀取我要遵循測試課程指南class TestCountry的指導方針。我的程序讀取文件但輸出錯誤的總和。基本上它只讀了2012年,而不是1960年到2012年之間的整個時期。所以當我這樣做時,它只輸出2012年的統計數據,而不是1960年到2012年的全部數據。我的問題似乎是從addSubscriptionYear method插入年和數據到class Subscription,但它只讀取2012年,而不是從1960年到2012年的整個時期,當我嘗試調試它。我必須遵循TestCountry class的指導原則,因爲這是要求。但我的功能方法addSubscriptionYear()是問題所在。有人可以幫我解決一些問題,或者如何將每年的數據和數據存儲在對象數組中。下面是我的文件


public class SubscriptionYear { 

private int year; 
private double subscriptions; 

public SubscriptionYear(int year,double subscriptions) 
    //this.year = year; 
    //this.subscriptions = subscriptions; 
public void setYear(int Year) 
    this.year= Year; 
public void setSubscription(double value) 
    this.subscriptions = value; 
public int getYear() 
    return year; 
public double getSubscription() 
    return subscriptions; 
public String toString() 
    return "Number of Subscriptions: "+subscriptions; 


public class Country { 

private String countryNames; 
private SubscriptionYear[] subscriptions; 
private int size; 

public Country(String country, int arraylength) 
    this.countryNames = country; 
    this.size = arraylength; 
    subscriptions = new SubscriptionYear[size]; 
//seems to be where i am having the problem 
//only reads 2012 and not 1960. seems to be my problem 
public void addSubscriptionYear(int year, double subscription) 
    for(int i=0;i<subscriptions.length;i++) 
     subscriptions[i]= new SubscriptionYear(year, subscription); 

public double getNumSubscriptionsForPeriod(int start, int end) 
    double sum = 0; 
    int head = subscriptions[0].getYear()-start; 
    int tail = end-start; 
    if(head>=0&&end<subscriptions.length)/check if out of bounds. 
    for(int k=head;k<=tail;k++) 
     sum += subscriptions[k].getSubscription(); 
    } else{ sum =-1;} 
    return sum; 
public String toString() 
    for(SubscriptionYear s: subscriptions) 
    return ""; 


* Tests the Country class by creating multiple objects. 
* Creates one object of type CSVReader class, which reads input from a CSV file. Uses 
* the attributes stored in CSVReader object to create objects of type Country class. 
public class TestCountry 

* Includes test examples for class Country. 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    // Create and set objects of type Country 
    final String FILENAME = "data/cellular.csv"; // Directory path for Mac OS X 
    //final String FILENAME = "data\cellular.csv"; // Directory path for Windows OS (i.e. Operating System) 
    final int NUM_COUNTRIES_TO_TEST = 3;   // Note: Include test cases in addition to 3 

    // Parse the CSV data file 
    CSVReader parser = new CSVReader(FILENAME); 

    String [] countryNames = parser.getCountryNames(); 
    int [] yearLabels = parser.getYearLabels(); 
    double [][] parsedTable = parser.getParsedTable();  

    // Create and set objects of type Country 
    Country [] countries; 
    //countries = new Country[NUM_COUNTRIES_TO_TEST]; // Note: Use this for initial testing of your implementation. 
    countries = new Country[countryNames.length];     

    Country current; 

    for (int countryIndex = 0; countryIndex < countries.length; countryIndex++) 
     int numberOfYears = yearLabels.length; // OR numberOfYears = dataTable[countryIndex].length; 

     current = new Country(countryNames[countryIndex], numberOfYears); 

     for (int yearIndex = 0; yearIndex < numberOfYears; yearIndex++) 
      double [] allSubscriptions = parsedTable[countryIndex]; 
      double countryData = allSubscriptions[yearIndex]; 
      current.addSubscriptionYear(yearLabels[yearIndex], countryData); 
     countries[countryIndex] = current; 
     //for(int i =0;i<countries.length;i++) 
    System.out.printf(countryNames[0] + " (1960 to 2012): %.2f \n", countries[0].getNumSubscriptionsForPeriod(1960,2012)); 
    // the output is 131.63 and should be 1170.50 

    System.out.printf(countryNames[100] + " (1960 to 2012): %.2f \n", countries[100].getNumSubscriptionsForPeriod(1960,2012)); 
    // the output is 112.67 and should be 1246.58 



哪裏是getCountryNames))getParsedTable()代碼(getYearLabels(和。 – brso05 2014-10-17 19:02:55


@ brso05發佈了代碼ü詢問了 – user2738145 2014-10-17 19:16:26




int lastPos = 0; 
public void addSubscriptionYear(int year, double subscription) 
    subscriptions[lastPos]= new SubscriptionYear(year, subscription); 

cldü請示例 – user2738145 2014-10-17 19:15:21


brso05詢問了代碼。但是,您是否嘗試過我提出的解決方案? – 2014-10-17 19:16:47


在這裏你去我已經添加了它 – 2014-10-17 19:19:40