2014-09-04 54 views


data CyclicList a = CL a [a] 


advance :: CyclicList a -> CyclicList a 
advance (CL x []) = CL x [] 
advance (CL x (z:zs)) = CL z (zs ++ [x]) 


instance Functor CyclicList where 
    fmap f (CL x xs) = CL (f x) (map f xs) 

cyclicFromList :: [a] -> CyclicList a 
cyclicFromList [] = error "Cyclic list must have one element!" 
cyclicFromList (x:xs) = CL x xs 

cyclicLength :: CyclicList a -> Int 
cyclicLength (CL _ xs) = length xs + 1 

listCycles :: CyclicList a -> [CyclicList a] 
listCycles cl = let 
    helper 0 _ = [] 
    helper n cl' = cl' : (helper (n-1) $ advance cl') 
in helper (cyclicLength cl) cl 

instance Comonad CyclicList where 
    extract (CL x _) = x 
    duplicate = cyclicFromList . listCycles 



您將能夠使用參數化的任何函數在任意連接器上工作。我現在不能指出任何權利,但我確信有一些存在。 – 2014-09-04 23:38:03


[什麼是Haskell中的comonad類型類?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8428554/what-is-the-comonad-typeclass-in-haskell?rq=1) – sjy 2014-09-05 07:31:41






class Bidirectional c where 
    forward :: c a -> Maybe (c a) 
    backward :: c a -> Maybe (c a) 

這一方案可以利用這一點,連同Comonad,對存儲在單元extract數據和探索當前單元格的單元格forwardbackward。它可以使用duplicate來捕獲每個單元格的鄰域,並使用fmap來檢查該鄰域。 fmap f . duplicate的這個組合是extract f

這是一個這樣的程序。 rule'只是一個有趣的例子;它僅使用左值和右值在鄰域上實現細胞自動機規則。 rule從給定的類中提取鄰居的數據,並在每個鄰域運行規則。 slice拉出更大的街區,以便我們可以輕鬆地展示它們。 simulate運行模擬,爲每一代顯示這些較大的鄰域。

rule' :: Word8 -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool 
rule' x l m r = testBit x ((if l then 4 else 0) .|. (if m then 2 else 0) .|. (if r then 1 else 0)) 

rule :: (Comonad w, Bidirectional w) => Word8 -> w Bool -> w Bool 
rule x = extend go 
     go w = rule' x (maybe False extract . backward $ w) (extract w) (maybe False extract . forward $ w) 

slice :: (Comonad w, Bidirectional w) => Int -> Int -> a -> w a -> [a] 
slice l r a w = sliceL l w (extract w : sliceR r w) 
     sliceR r w | r > 0 = case (forward w) of 
      Nothing -> take r (repeat a) 
      Just w' -> extract w' : sliceR (r-1) w' 
     sliceR _ _ = [] 
     sliceL l w r | l > 0 = case (backward w) of 
      Nothing -> take l (repeat a) ++ r 
      Just w' -> sliceL (l-1) w' (extract w':r) 
     sliceL _ _ r = r 

simulate :: (Comonad w, Bidirectional w) => (w Bool -> w Bool) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> w Bool -> IO() 
simulate f l r x w = mapM_ putStrLn . map (map (\x -> if x then '1' else '0') . slice l r False) . take x . iterate f $ w 


data Zipper a = Zipper { 
    heads :: [a], 
    here :: a, 
    tail :: [a] 
} deriving Functor 

instance Bidirectional Zipper where 
    forward (Zipper _ _ [] ) = Nothing 
    forward (Zipper l h (r:rs)) = Just $ Zipper (h:l) r rs 
    backward (Zipper []  _ _) = Nothing 
    backward (Zipper (l:ls) h r) = Just $ Zipper ls l (h:r) 

instance Comonad Zipper where 
    extract = here 
    duplicate (Zipper l h r) = Zipper (goL (h:r) l) (Zipper l h r) (goR (h:l) r) 
      goL r [] = [] 
      goL r (h:l) = Zipper l h r : goL (h:r) l 
      goR l [] = [] 
      goR l (h:r) = Zipper l h r : goR (h:l) r 


data CyclicList a = CL a (Seq a) 
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) 

instance Bidirectional CyclicList where 
    forward (CL x xs) = Just $ case viewl xs of 
     EmptyL -> CL x xs 
     x' :< xs' -> CL x' (xs' |> x) 
    backward (CL x xs) = Just $ case viewr xs of 
     EmptyR -> CL x xs 
     xs' :> x' -> CL x' (x <| xs') 

instance Comonad CyclicList where 
    extract (CL x _) = x 
    duplicate (CL x xs) = CL (CL x xs) (go (singleton x) xs) 
      go old new = case viewl new of 
       EmptyL -> empty 
       x' :< xs' -> CL x' (xs' >< old) <| go (old |> x') xs' 


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} 

import Control.Comonad 
import Data.Sequence hiding (take) 
import Data.Bits 
import Data.Word 

main = do 
    putStrLn "10 + 1 + 10 Zipper" 
    simulate (rule 110) 10 10 30 $ Zipper (take 10 . repeat $ False) True (take 10 . repeat $ False) 
    putStrLn "10 + 1 + 10 Cyclic" 
    simulate (rule 110) 10 10 30 $ CL True (fromList (take 20 . repeat $ False)) 