2016-02-19 43 views


//Print the results in a table 
printf("| Description     | Input Data |\n"); 
printf("| Loan amount     | $ %8.2f |\n", loan); 
printf("| Yearly interest rate  |  %6.2f% |\n", rate); 
printf("| Number of years    |  %d  |\n", years); 
printf("| Payment Details    | Results |\n"); 
printf("| The monthly payment will be | $  %5.2f |\n", monthlyPayment); 
printf("| Interest paid    | $ %6.2f |\n", interestEarned); 

將(6.2,5.2)變爲8.2,不需要3個不同的值。將'%d'更改爲%8d – chux


...和'%8d'。第一個數字是總場寬。 (哦@chux已經編輯了他的評論) –


也是那樣懸而未決''%| \ n「' - >'」%% | \ n「' – chux




  1. 考慮到項目壽命期間的字段寬度將會改變(更可能增長)。

  2. 便於維護的郵政編碼。第一次絕對不對。性能不是那麼關鍵,因爲輸出無論如何都是CPU週期的一個漏洞。

  3. 重複使用格式。

  4. 字符串字面量避免fprintf(),改用fputs()

  5. RTFM fprintf()並讓最小寬度指定符爲您的朋友。

  6. 小心一個格式的孤獨"%"。應該"%%"


double loan, rate, monthlyPayment, interestEarned; 
    loan = interestEarned = monthlyPayment = 12345.78; 
    rate = 999.99; 
    int years = 30; 

    // Let us assume interesting part of the table is 10 wide 

    // 10 = 
    // .max_width 
    const char *fdash = "%s%.10s%s"; 

    // space, 8 char, space 
    // - left justify 
    // min_width.max_width 
    const char *ftext = "%s %-8.8s %s"; 

    // $, 8 width with 2 dec. places, space 
    // width.precision 
    const char *fcash = "%s$%8.2f %s"; 

    // space, 7 width, %, space 
    // width.precision 
    const char *fperc = "%s %7.2f%% %s"; 

    // space, 8 wide, space 
    // width 
    const char *fyear = "%s %8d %s"; 
    const char *bar = "=================================="; // extra long 

    fputs("\n", stdout); 
    printf(fdash, "#==============================", bar   , "#\n"); 
    printf(ftext, "| Description     |", "Input Data" , "|\n"); 
    printf(fdash, "|==============================", bar   , "|\n"); 
    printf(fcash, "| Loan amount     |", loan   , "|\n"); 
    printf(fperc, "| Yearly interest rate  |", rate   , "|\n"); 
    printf(fyear, "| Number of years    |", years   , "|\n"); 
    printf(fdash, "|==============================", bar   , "|\n"); 
    printf(ftext, "| Payment Details    |", "Results"  , "|\n"); 
    printf(fdash, "|==============================", bar   , "|\n"); 
    printf(fcash, "| The monthly payment will be |", monthlyPayment, "|\n"); 
    printf(fcash, "| Interest paid    |", interestEarned, "|\n"); 
    printf(fdash, "#==============================", bar   , "#\n"); 
    fputs("\n", stdout); 

輸出:字段太小"Input Data"。修復留給用戶。

| Description     | Input Da | 
| Loan amount     |$12345.78 | 
| Yearly interest rate  | 999.99% | 
| Number of years    |  30 | 
| Payment Details    | Results | 
| The monthly payment will be |$12345.78 | 
| Interest paid    |$12345.78 | 