2016-08-28 254 views


<!-- CSS for echoed data --> 
     p { 
<!-- Defines Form --> 
    <form method = "post" action = "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"> 
     Numerator: <br /> 
     <input type = "text" name = "numOne"><br /> 
     Denominator: <br /> 
     <input type = "text" name = "numTwo"><br /> 
     <input type = "submit" name = "Submit" value = "Reduce!"> 


//Executes task upon form submission 
     if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { 
      $n1 = $_POST['numOne']; 
      $n2 = $_POST['numTwo']; 
//Defines numerator simplification function 
      function simplifynum ($n1,$n2) { 
       $n1 = $_POST['numOne']; 
       $n2 = $_POST['numTwo']; 
       if ($n1 < $n2){ 
//Loops until numerator and denominator are reduced to simplest form      
        for ($x = 2;$x < $n2;$x++){ 
         $divedn1 = ($n1/$x); 
         $divedn2 = ($n2/$x); 
//If all divided values are purely digits (i.e. are whole numbers) and not equal to zero, sets new numerator and denominators variables to the divided value 
         if (ctype_digit($divedn1) && ctype_digit($divedn2) && ($divedn1 != 0) && ($divedn2 != 0)) { 
          $n1 = $divedn1; 
          $n2 = $divedn2; 
//returns numerator data 
        return $n1; 
//Defines denominator simplification function   
      function simplifyden ($n1,$n2) { 
       $n1 = $_POST['numOne']; 
       $n2 = $_POST['numTwo']; 
       if ($n1 < $n2){ 
//Loops until numerator and denominator are reduced to simplest form 
        for ($x = 2;$x < $n2;$x++){ 
         $divedn1 = ($n1/$x); 
         $divedn2 = ($n2/$x); 
//If all divided values are purely digits (i.e. are whole numbers) and not equal to zero, sets new numerator and denominators variables to the divided value 
         if (ctype_digit($divedn1) && ctype_digit($divedn2) && ($divedn1 != 0) && ($divedn2 != 0)) { 
          $n1 = $divedn1; 
          $n2 = $divedn2; 
//returns denominator data 
        return $n2; 

    <!-- Runs functions and reads respective values --> 
    <p><?php echo simplifynum($n1, $n2);?><br /> &#9473;<br /><?php echo simplifyden($n1, $n2);?></p> 
//Unsets form submission 



爲什麼分數的每個組件的功能? –


'ctype_digit'函數需要一個字符串。傳遞一個整數假定這是單個字符的ascii數字。 [手冊](http://php.net/manual/en/function.ctype-digit.php#refsect1-function.ctype-digit-notes)在「註釋」部分說明了這一點。在你的情況下,你可以使用[is_int](https://php.net/is_int)來檢查你是否有一個整數,或者你可以跳過除法和整數檢查使用模數運算符'%'返回部門的其餘部分。所以'25%5 = 0'因爲25可以被5和26%5 = 1'平分。當可以整除時,你會得到零。 –





<form method = "post" action = "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"> 
    Numerator: <br /> 
    <input type = "text" name = "numOne"><br /> 
    Denominator: <br /> 
    <input type = "text" name = "numTwo"><br /> 
    <input type = "submit" name = "Submit" value = "Reduce!"> 



    if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { 
     $n1 = $_POST['numOne']; 
     $n2 = $_POST['numTwo']; 
     simplifynum($n1, $n2);//call the function 

     function simplifynum ($n1,$n2) { 
      $menor = 0; 
      if ($n1 < $n2){ $menor= $n1;} 
      else {$menor=$n2;}//I check less variable to find the maximum number of digit in the divisor for and not have decimal results 

       for ($x = 2;$x < $menor;){ //Start the divisor digit two 
        if($n1 % $x == 0 && $n2 % $x==0) //Seeking the digit that is divisible for two numbers by modulo operation% to return the waste if zero is because it is divisible 
         $n1 = $n1/$x; //I check with the first number 
         $n2 = $n2/$x; //I check the second number 
        $x= $x+1;//if the two numbers not divisible increase as the variable in this case would be 3, the first iteration 

       echo $n1 . " /" . $n2 . "<br/>"; 
       echo "Result : " . ($n1/$n2); 


如果您談到您對函數進行的更改(如使用模數),它可能會更有幫助。 –


我以前沒有想過模數,解決了這個問題!謝謝!我想我還有一些東西要學習PHP哈哈。 – MeowyMorganstine