An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll.
Additional information: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
這是我的代碼的短。它是兩個文本框的計算器,當用戶按下WPF中的+, - ,/,x按鈕時,它們應該一起成爲新的答案。
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public string numberInString
get { return TextDoos.Text; }
set { TextDoos.Text = value; }
public MainWindow()
if(TextDoos.Text == "")
if(TextDoos2.Text == "")
RekenFunctie(TextDoos.Text, TextDoos2.Text);
public int RekenFunctie(string numberInString, string numberInString)
int antwoord;
int getal = Convert.ToInt32(numberInString);
int getal2 = Convert.ToInt32(numberInString2);
if (Buttons.IsPressed) // This is the + button, there are also -,x,/ buttons.
antwoord = getal + getal2;
return antwoord;
TargetInvocationException總是有一個InnerException - 你應該看看那個以找出原因。 –