2014-01-24 9 views



1 // n number of graphs 
4 // n number of vertices for graph 1 
4 // n number of edges for graph 1 
1 2 // edges given in pairs 
2 3 
2 4 
3 4 


  1. findLongestPath(),這將在圖中
  2. findShortestPath(),這將在圖中返回的最短路徑返回最長路徑
  3. totalNumberPaths()將返回不同數量的路徑圖


def main(): 

numGraphs = input() 

for x in xrange(0, numGraphs): 
    numVerts = input() 
    numEdges = input() 
    adjMat = [[0 for x in xrange(numVerts)] for x in xrange(numVerts)] 
    for x in xrange(0, numEdges): 
     edges = raw_input() 
     i, padding, j = edges.rpartition(" ") 

     i = int(i) 
     j = int(j) 

     i -= 1 
     j -= 1 

     adjMat[i][j] = 1 

    numPaths = [0 for x in xrange(numVerts)] 
    numPaths[0] = 1 

    longest_path = 1 
    shortest_path = numVerts 

    for i in xrange(0, numVerts): 
     current_path = 0 
     for j in xrange(0, numVerts): 
      if adjMat[i][j] == 1: 
       numPaths[j] += numPaths[i] 
       current_path += 1 

     if current_path > longest_path: 
      longest_path = current_path 
     if current_path < shortest_path: 
      shortest_path = current_path 

    print "shortest: %d, longest: %d, total %d" % (shortest_path, longest_path, numPaths[numVerts-1]) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 





numGraphs = input() 

for x in xrange(0, numGraphs): 
    numVerts = input() 
    numEdges = input() 
    adjMat = [[0 for x in xrange(numVerts)] for x in xrange(numVerts)] 
    for x in xrange(0, numEdges): 
     edges = raw_input() 
     i, padding, j = edges.rpartition(" ") 

     i = int(i) 
     j = int(j) 

     i -= 1 
     j -= 1 

     adjMat[i][j] = 1 

    numPaths = [0 for x in xrange(numVerts)] 
    numPaths[0] = 1 

    currentPath = [0 for x in xrange(numVerts)] 
    maxPath = 1 
    minPath = numVerts -1 

    for i in xrange(0, numVerts): 
     for j in xrange(1, numVerts): 
      if adjMat[i][j] == 1: 
       numPaths[j] += numPaths[i] 
       currentPath[j-i] += 1 
      if (currentPath[j-i] is not 0): 
       minPath = currentPath[j-i] 
      maxPath = max(currentPath) 

    print "shortest: %d, longest: %d, total %d" % (minPath, maxPath, numPaths[numVerts-1]) 

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numGraphs = input() 

for x in xrange(0, numGraphs): 
    numVerts = input() 
    numEdges = input() 
    adjMat = [[0 for x in xrange(numVerts)] for x in xrange(numVerts)] 
    for x in xrange(0, numEdges): 
     edges = raw_input() 
     i, padding, j = edges.rpartition(" ") 

     i = int(i) 
     j = int(j) 

     i -= 1 
     j -= 1 

     adjMat[i][j] = 1 

    numPaths = [0 for x in xrange(numVerts)] 
    numPaths[0] = 1 

    currentPath = [0 for x in xrange(numVerts)] 
    maxPath = 1 
    minPath = numVerts -1 

    for i in xrange(0, numVerts): 
     for j in xrange(1, numVerts): 
      if adjMat[i][j] == 1: 
       numPaths[j] += numPaths[i] 
       currentPath[j-i] += 1 
      if (currentPath[j-i] is not 0): 
       minPath = currentPath[j-i] 
      maxPath = max(currentPath) 

    print "shortest: %d, longest: %d, total %d" % (minPath, maxPath, numPaths[numVerts-1])