2011-07-15 95 views



* @function getbyfieldsw 
* @abstract retrieves records in the database whose field matches the 
* given regular expression. 
* @param fieldname the field which to do matching on 
* @param regex the regular expression to match a field on. 
* Note: you should include the delimiters ("/php/i" for example). 
* @param orderby order the results. Set to the field name to order by 
* (as a string). If left unset, sorting is not done and it is a lot faster. 
* If prefixed by "!", results will be ordered in reverse order. 
* If orderby is an array, the 1st element refers to the field to order by, 
* and the 2nd, a function that will take two take two parameters A and B 
* - two fields from two records - used to do the ordering. It is expected 
* that the function would return -ve if A < B and +ve if A > B, or zero 
* if A == B (to order in ascending order). 
* @param includeindex if true, an extra field called 'FFDB_IFIELD' will 
* be added to each record returned. It will contain an int that specifies 
* the original position in the database (zero based) that the record is 
* positioned. It might be useful when an orderby is used, and an future 
* operation on a record is required, given it's index in the table. 
* @result matching records in an array, or false on failure 
    function getbyfieldsw($fieldname, $orderby = NULL, $includeindex = false) { 
    if (!$this->isopen) 
    user_error("Database not open.", E_USER_ERROR); 
    return false; 

    // Check the field name 
    if (!$this->key_exists_array($fieldname, $this->fields)) 
     "Invalid field name for getbyfield: $fieldname", 
    return false; 

    // If there are no records, return 
    if ($this->records == 0) 
    return array(); 

    if (!$this->lock_read()) 
    return false; 

    // Read the index 
    $index = $this->read_index(); 

    // Read each record and add it to an array 
    $rcount = 0; 
    foreach($index as $offset) 
    // Read the record 
    list($record, $rsize) = $this->read_record($this->data_fp, $offset); 

    // See if the record matches the regular expression 
     // Add the index field if required 
     if ($includeindex) 
      $record[FFDB_INDEX_RECORDS_OFFSET] = $rcount; 

     $result[] = $record; 



    // Re-order as required 
    if ($orderby !== NULL) 
    return $this->order_by($result, $orderby); 
    return $result; 



function show_record($record){ 
    $month = $record["lmonth"]; 
    $status = $record["lstatus"]; 
    $year = $record["lyear"]; 
if (($status == ON) && ($month >= $current_month) && ($year >= $current_year)){ 
echo "foo"; 

通話記錄 - 這裏是專業人士瑕疵 - 這個工程除了休息; - 我要爆炸平面文件逐個讀取每個記錄,然後添加到在foreach():

$result = $db->getbyfieldsw(lp_month); 
$i = 0; 
foreach ($result as $item){ 
if ($i >= 2) 

因爲這是平面文件,調用函數getbyfieldsw()當文件來平爲單個文件,沒有關於它有多少記錄,記錄= 1或記錄= 100在這一點上是相同的。

Break;不起作用,因爲所有記錄都是單一記錄 - 因此沒有什麼可以打破的。


if $i == 0 echo "content1"; 
if $i == 1 echo "content2"; 
if $i > 1 echo "content 3"; 


HELP高興認識 感謝


你有沒有的平面文件是如何佈局的例子嗎? – vascowhite


有沒有理由讓你這麼做? (文件與數據庫) – 2011-07-15 02:12:41



對不起,我不能直接幫助你的代碼,但你應該考慮切換而不是SQLite的使用自己的數據庫系統。 SQLITE是平坦的,開源的,高效的並且更容易使用。 PHP的sqlite模塊有你需要的一切。你應該檢查一下!

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