<select name="expiration_year" id="expiration_year" onchange="populate(this.id,'expiration_month','expiration_day')">
//variable declaration in JavaScript
var year = new Date().getFullYear();
//I want to display the variable stored in "year" where it is marked in the
//following code
//this <option value=year> is using the variable correctly, the second
//half of the line isnt using the variable (which should have a value
//equaling the current year)
//instead it simply says year
<option value=year>year</option>
<option value=year+1>year+1</option>
Image of what current code produces when run
感謝您的迴應!我的最終目標是,網頁上共有三個選擇。與依賴的順序是年==>月==>日。年月和日是選擇的名稱。我已更新問題以反映將會有多個選擇。再次感謝! – brandontod97