2017-08-07 441 views



// Work Order 


// Get template from Google Docs and name it 
var docTemplate = ""; // *** replace with your template ID *** 
var docName = "Work Order"; 

// When Form Gets submitted 
function onFormSubmit(e) { 
    //Get information from form and set as variables 
    var email_address = ""; 
    var job_name = e.values[1]; 
    var ship_to = e.values[11]; 
    var address = e.values[12]; 
    var order_count = e.values[7]; 
    var program = e.values[2]; 
    var workspace = e.values[3]; 
    var offer = e.values[4]; 
    var sort_1 = e.values[5]; 
    var sort_2 = e.values[6]; 
    var print_services = e.values[10]; 
    var priority = e.values[13]; 
    var notes = e.values[14]; 
    var formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "EDT", "MM/dd/yyyy"); 

    // Get document template, copy it as a new temp doc, and save the Doc's id 
    var copyId = DriveApp.getFileById(docTemplate) 
    .makeCopy(docName + ' for ' + job_name) 
    // Open the temporary document 
    var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId); 
    // Get the document's body section 
    var copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection(); 

    // Replace place holder keys,in our google doc template 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyJobName', job_name); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyShipTo', ship_to); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyAddress', address); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyOrderCount', order_count); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyProgram', program); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyWorkspace', workspace); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyOffer', offer); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keySort1', sort_1); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keySort2', sort_2); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyPrintServices', print_services); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyPriority', priority); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyNotes', notes); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyDate', formattedDate); 
    copyBody.replaceText('keyDue', expirationDate); 

    // Save and close the temporary document 

    // Convert temporary document to PDF by using the getAs blob conversion 
    var pdf = DriveApp.getFileById(copyId).getAs("application/pdf"); 

    // Attach PDF and send the email 
    var subject = "New Job Submission"; 
    var body = "Here is the work order for " + job_name + ""; 
    MailApp.sendEmail(email_address, subject, body, { 
    htmlBody: body, 
    attachments: pdf 

    // Move file to folder 
    var file = DriveApp.getFileById(copyId); 


這不是一個免費的寫作服務。你定義的假期列表在哪裏?他們在不同的地方可能有所不同。你有什麼嘗試? – RobG


我在這些論壇和Google論壇上花了一些時間尋找類似的問題,雖然我發現了一些相似之處,但我沒有javascript知識來理解如何將它集成到我自己的項目中。 一個起點將是美國的國定假日,但如果我有一個基本的例子來定義假期,我可以根據需要添加。 此外,我的問題很廣泛,所以我不尋找自定義代碼或任何東西。 – Brandon


「* ...我的問題相當廣泛*」。是。你可以搜索['[javascript] exclude holidays'](https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bjavascript%5D+exclude+holidays)。 – RobG




function addDates() { 
    var date = new Date(); // yor form date 
    var hodiday = ["08/09/2017","08/15/2017"]; //Define holiday dates in MM/dd/yyyy 
    var days = 5; //No of days you want to add 
    var counter = 0; 
     if(days > 0){ 
      while (counter < days) { 
       date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); 
       var check = date.getDay(); 
       var holidayCheck = hodiday.indexOf(Utilities.formatDate(date, "GMT", "MM/dd/yyyy")); 
        if (check != 0 && check != 6 && holidayCheck == -1) { 
     Logger.log(date) //for this example will give 08/16/2017 
    return date; 

感謝您的快速和徹底的反應!我仍然在思考如何將這個代碼集成到我的代碼中,但我正在學習,所以我非常感謝幫助。 編輯:完美工作!謝謝。 – Brandon


這不是一個好主意,依靠內置的解析器,請參閱[*爲什麼Date.parse提供不正確的結果?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2587345/why-does-date-parse-給不正確的結果) – RobG


我想過這個,但我只是覺得瀏覽器會轉換爲當地時間。如果將來出現問題,我一定會回來排查故障。隨意發佈您的修復程序上面的功能。 – Brandon
