好吧,所以我只做了一個快速測試,看看我的代碼是否設置爲從DataGrid正確讀取,並且確實如此,但一旦完成閱讀我得到錯誤"Object reference not set to an Instance of an object"
public static void UploadFromExtrernalSource(PlantAreaCode_CreateView PACCreate)
// For each row in the DataGrid, and for each column, stores the information in a string.
for (int rows = 0; rows < PACCreate.dataGridView1.Rows.Count; rows++)
for (int col = 0; col < PACCreate.dataGridView1.Rows[rows].Cells.Count; col++)
string value = PACCreate.dataGridView1.Rows[rows].Cells[col].Value.ToString();
Console.WriteLine(value + ",");
你跟蹤代碼檢查實際行和細胞計數 –
對不起,我不知道你在問什麼。列和行的數量未設置,因爲這將用於多個表。 – Ben
Console.WriteLine總是以換行符打印一個值。試試Console.write –