<QuestionForm xmlns="[the QuestionForm schema URL]">
<Title>Game 01523, "X" to play</Title>
You are helping to decide the next move in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. The board looks like this:
<AltText>The game board, with "X" to move.</AltText>
Player "X" has the next move.
<DisplayName>The Next Move</DisplayName>
What are the coordinates of the best move for player "X" in this game?
<Length minLength="2" maxLength="2" />
<DisplayName>The Next Move</DisplayName>
How likely is it that player "X" will win this game?
<Text>Not likely</Text>
<Text>It could go either way</Text>
究竟是什麼困難?您是否想知道格式(例如,作爲字符串還是DOM對象)?還有別的嗎? – outis 2011-02-26 06:51:38
我想找到最簡單的方法來存儲它作爲一個字符串。 – Mark 2011-02-26 07:19:02