2014-11-14 37 views

我想讓用戶輸入一個數字,告訴他們,如果它是Armstrong number或不,然後問他們,如果他們想再次重複這一點。 我試着寫了很多次,但沒有奏效! 當我輸入153時,它給了我「這不是阿姆斯特朗號。」 (在else語句) 我真的搞砸了,我不知道該怎麼辦:「(阿姆斯壯數字與循環 - C++

#include <iostream> 
    #include <cmath> 
    using namespace std; 

    int main() { 
    int number, sum=0, num; 
    double y; 
    char x; 

    cout << "Enter a number to check if it is an Armstrong number: "; 
    cin >> number; 
    num = number; 
    while (number != 0) { 
    y = number%10; 
    number = number/10; 
    sum = sum + pow(y,3); 

    if (sum == num) 
    cout << num << "is an Armstrong number."; 
    cout << num << "is not an Armstrong number."; 

    cout << "do you want to continue? (y/n)"; 
    cin >> x; 
    switch (x){ 
    case 'Y': 
    case 'y': continue; break; 
    case 'N': 
    case 'n': cout << "bye"; break; 
    return 0; 

你不能在'switch'語句中使用'break'打破'while'循環。另外,這裏需要兩個循環 - 一個用於掃描數字的外部循環,一個用於檢查數字的內部循環。 – 2014-11-14 22:37:20


簡而言之,在賦值'sum = sum + pow(y,3)'之後用'}'關閉'while'循環。 – 2014-11-14 22:50:14


另外,您需要計算數字的長度,目前您只能使用3位數字。 – 2014-11-14 23:28:38




while (number != 0) { 
    y = number % 10; 
    number = number/10; 
    sum = sum + pow(y, 3); 

    if (sum == num) 
     cout << num << "is an Armstrong number."; 
     cout << num << "is not an Armstrong number."; 


while (number != 0) { 
    y = number % 10; 
    number = number/10; 
    sum = sum + pow(y, 3); 

if (sum == num) 
    cout << num << "is an Armstrong number."; 
    cout << num << "is not an Armstrong number."; 



#include <iostream> 
#include <cmath> 
using namespace std; 

static int digit_count(int num); 
static int armstrong_sum(int num); 
static bool ask_yes_no(const char* question); 

int main() { 
    do { 
    int num; 
    cout << "Enter a number to check if it is an Armstrong number: "; 
    cin >> num; 
    if (num == armstrong_sum(num)) 
     cout << num << " is an Armstrong number." << endl; 
     cout << num << " is NOT an Armstrong number." << endl; 
    } while (ask_yes_no("do you want to continue?")); 
    cout << "bye" << endl; 
    return 0; 

int digit_count(int num) { 
    int count = 0; 
    for (; num != 0; num /= 10) { 
    return count; 

int armstrong_sum(int num) { 
    int sum = 0; 
    int count = digit_count(num); 
    for (; num != 0; num /= 10) { 
    sum += static_cast<int>(pow(num % 10, count)); 
    return sum; 

bool ask_yes_no(const char* question) { 
    for (;;) { 
    char x; 
    cout << question << " (y/n)"; 
    cin >> x; 
    if (x == 'y' || x == 'Y') 
     return true; 
    else if (x == 'n' || x == 'N') 
     return false; 

謝謝!現在我明白爲什麼輸出錯了:) – 2014-12-15 19:09:33