2017-01-11 58 views











num_stresses = 10 
num_kinase = 32 
num_transcription_factors = 200 
num_genes = 6692 

# Build neural network 
# Input variables (10) 
# Which Node to dropout (32) 
stress = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, num_stresses]) 
kinase_deletion = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, num_kinase]) 

# This is the layer that I want to perform selective dropout on, 
# I should be able to specify which of the 32 nodes should output zero 
# based on a 1X32 vector of ones and zeros. 
kinase = tflearn.fully_connected(stress, num_kinase, activation='relu') 

transcription_factor = tflearn.fully_connected(kinase, num_transcription_factors, activation='relu') 

gene = tflearn.fully_connected(transcription_factor, num_genes, activation='linear') 

adam = tflearn.Adam(learning_rate=0.00001, beta1=0.99) 

regression = tflearn.regression(gene, optimizer=adam, loss='mean_square', metric='R2') 

# Define model 
model = tflearn.DNN(regression, tensorboard_verbose=1) 








編輯: 好了,我還沒有真正與tflearn工作非常多(我只是做定期tensorflow),但我認爲你可以結合tensorflow和tflearn。基本上,我添加了tf.multiply。您可能需要添加另一個tflearn.input_data(shape =[num_stresses])tflearn.input_data(shape =[num_kinase])以爲您提供stresses_dropout_vectorkinase_dropout_vector的佔位符。當然,您可以在這兩個向量中更改零的數量和位置。

import tensorflow as tf ###### New ###### 
import tflearn 

num_stresses = 10 
num_kinase = 32 
num_transcription_factors = 200 
num_genes = 6692 

stresses_dropout_vector = [1] * num_stresses ###### NEW ###### 
stresses_dropout_vector[desired_node_to_drop] = 0 ###### NEW ###### 

kinase_dropout_vector = [1] * num_kinase ###### NEW ###### 
kinase_dropout_vector[desired_hidden_node_to_drop] = 0 ###### NEW ###### 

# Build neural network 
# Input variables (10) 
# Which Node to dropout (32) 
stress = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, num_stresses]) 
kinase_deletion = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, num_kinase]) 

# This is the layer that I want to perform selective dropout on, 
# I should be able to specify which of the 32 nodes should output zero 
# based on a 1X32 vector of ones and zeros. 

stress_dropout = tf.multiply(stress, stresses_dropout_vector) ###### NEW ###### Drops out an input 
kinase = tflearn.fully_connected(stress_dropout, num_kinase, activation='relu') ### changed stress to stress_dropout 
kinase_dropout = tf.multiply(kinase, kinase_dropout_vector) ###### NEW ###### Drops out a hidden node 

transcription_factor = tflearn.fully_connected(kinase_dropout, num_transcription_factors, activation='relu') ### changed kinase to kinase_dropout 

gene = tflearn.fully_connected(transcription_factor, num_genes, activation='linear') 

adam = tflearn.Adam(learning_rate=0.00001, beta1=0.99) 

regression = tflearn.regression(gene, optimizer=adam, loss='mean_square', metric='R2') 

# Define model 
model = tflearn.DNN(regression, tensorboard_verbose=1) 




「如果你需要刪除一個隱藏節點(在第2層),這是1秒的只是一個載體和0」。 - 這正是我想要做的。那麼我應該在第二層之後創建第二個輸入張量嗎? – kmace


是的,所以你會有兩個佔位符。 ph_inputDropout和ph_layer2Dropout。所以layer2的輸出就像輸入*權重+偏差。只需乘以ph_layer2Dropout 1和0即可。 –


哦,你貼的代碼。我會看看我是否可以編輯它... –



import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 
import tflearn 
import tensorflow as tf 

meta = pd.read_csv('../../input/nn/meta.csv') 
experiments = meta["Unnamed: 0"] 
del meta["Unnamed: 0"] 

stress_one_hot = pd.get_dummies(meta["train"]) 

kinase_deletion = pd.get_dummies(meta["Strain"]) 
kinase_one_hot = 1 - kinase_deletion 

expression = pd.read_csv('../../input/nn/data.csv') 
genes = expression["Unnamed: 0"] 
del expression["Unnamed: 0"] # This holds the gene names just so you know... 

expression = expression.transpose() 

# Set up data for tensorflow 
# Gene expression 
target = expression 
target = np.array(expression, dtype='float32') 
target_mean = target.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) 
target_std = target.std(axis=0, keepdims=True) 
target = target - target_mean 
target = target/target_std 

# Stress information 
data1 = stress_one_hot 
data1 = np.array(data1, dtype='float32') 
data_mean = data1.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) 
data_std = data1.std(axis=0, keepdims=True) 
data1 = data1 - data_mean 
data1 = data1/data_std 

# Kinase information 
data2 = kinase_one_hot 
data2 = np.array(data2, dtype='float32') 

# For Reference 
# data1.shape 
# #(301, 10) 
# data2.shape 
# #(301, 29) 

# Build the Neural Network 

num_stresses = 10 
num_kinase = 29 
num_transcription_factors = 200 
num_genes = 6692 

# Build neural network 
# Input variables (10) 
# Which Node to dropout (32) 
stress = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, num_stresses]) 
kinase_deletion = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, num_kinase]) 

# This is the layer that I want to perform selective dropout on, 
# I should be able to specify which of the 32 nodes should output zero 
# based on a 1X32 vector of ones and zeros. 
kinase = tflearn.fully_connected(stress, num_kinase, activation='relu') 
kinase_dropout = tf.mul(kinase, kinase_deletion) 

transcription_factor = tflearn.fully_connected(kinase_dropout, num_transcription_factors, activation='relu') 

gene = tflearn.fully_connected(transcription_factor, num_genes, activation='linear') 

adam = tflearn.Adam(learning_rate=0.00001, beta1=0.99) 

regression = tflearn.regression(gene, optimizer=adam, loss='mean_square', metric='R2') 

# Define model 
model = tflearn.DNN(regression, tensorboard_verbose=1) 

# Start training (apply gradient descent algorithm) 
model.fit([data1, data2], target, n_epoch=20000, show_metric=True, shuffle=True)#,validation_set=0.05)