<input type="button" value="getValue" id="getValue" />
<div id="rowgen"></div>
window.onload = function() {
// Code to display a google map on page
document.getElementById("getValue").onclick = function(){
document.getElementById.innerHTML('rowgen') += '<p>Hello world</p>';
我得到的錯誤Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment
爲線document.getElementById.innerHTML('rowgen') += '<p>Hello world</p>';
<input type="button" value="getValues" id="getValues" onclick="genRow()"/>
<div id="rowgen"></div>
window.onload = function() {
// Code to display a google map on page
function genRow(){
document.getElementById.innerHTML('rowgen') += '<p>Hello world</p>';
這一次我得到了HTML錯誤檔案Uncaught ReferenceError: genRow is not defined
就行<input type="button" value="getValues" id="getValues" onclick="genRow()"/>