2010-01-03 13 views


" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n <html xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n \t<head>\n \t\t<title>My Page Title</title>\n \t\t<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO- 8859-1\">\n <style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\"> \n \t\tblockquote\n
{\n \tfont-style: italic;\n }\n cite\n {\n
\ttext-align: right;\n \tfont-style: normal;\n }\n .author\n {\n \ttext-align: right;\n \tmargin-right: 80px;\n
}\n </style>\n \t</head>\n \t<body>\n \t\t<h1>My Page Title</h1>\n<h3>Production Manager</h3>\n<blockquote>\n<p>&#8220;I want my passion for business plan and my pride in my work to show in every step of our company: from the labels and papers, to our relationships with our customers, to the enjoyment of each bottle of My Company business plan. As we expand our production, my dream is to plant a company of my own to specialize in good business, my personal favorite varietal.&#8221;</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p class=\"author\"><cite>- John Smith</cite></p>\n<p>Born and raised on the north coast of California, John Smith always felt a deep connection to this......"


My Page Title. Production Manager. I want my passion for business plan and my pride in my work to show in every step of our company: from the labels and papers, to our relationships with our customers, to the enjoyment of each bottle of My Company business plan. As we expand our production, my dream is to plant a company of my own to specialize in good business, my personal favorite varietal. 


  • 地帶HTML標籤
  • 替換\ n,其中(和多個\ n \ n \ n,其中 「 」)
  • 替換\噸,「 」
  • 替換「。」 \ S +用 「」
  • UNESCAPE東西替換「與」






string = "..." # your string 

IO.popen("w3m -T text/html", "r+") do |pipe| 
    pipe.write string 
    puts pipe.read 


My Page Title 

Production Manager 

    「I want my passion for business plan and my pride in my work to show in 
    every step of our company: from the labels and papers, to our relationships 
    with our customers, to the enjoyment of each bottle of My Company business 
    plan. As we expand our production, my dream is to plant a company of my own 
    to specialize in good business, my personal favorite varietal.」 

- John Smith 

Born and raised on the north coast of California, John Smith always felt a deep 
connection to this...... 



它是否必須在紅寶石? 我,我可以把它寫在PHP中:

$text = '<html> ...'; 
$result = preg_replace(array('/\\n+/', '/\\[ts]/', '/"/'), array('. ', ' ', '\''), html_entity_decode(strip_tags($text)));