2015-10-27 27 views


Cannot convert from Foo<Bar> to IFoo<IBar>


Hi All,

It's been a while since I've posted here but I'm having a bit of a mare and can't for the life of me remember what I'm doing wrong. I'm pretty sure it's fairly simple so hopefully you can help.

I have the following (approximated example):

public interface IFoo<T> 
{ //...some other properties.... 
    List<T> Bars {get;set;} 

public interface IBar 
{ //...some properties... 

public class Foo : IFoo<Bar> 
{ //...some properties... 
    List<Bar> Bars {get;set;} 

public class Bar : IBar 
{ //...some properties... 

Then I have a helper class which looks a bit like this:

public interface IHelper 
    bool DoSomething(IFoo<IBar> model, string path); 

public class Helper : IHelper 
    public bool DoSomething(IFoo<IBar> model, string path) 
     //..Save model to path 
     return true; 

So, the issue I have is when I try to pass an instance of Foo to my helper method I get the error: Argumet type 'Foo' is no assignable to parameter type 'IFoo<IBar>'

I'm not sure why I get this error because Foo inherits from IFoo and Bar inherits from IBar.

Additional Info

This is how the Foo class is initially getting populated. It's a form submission from a webpage. If I try to declare Foo to be Foo: IFoo<IBar> I get the error: Cannot create an instance of an interface. upon form submission. This is an MVC generated error. As a result Foo is defined as above using IFoo<Bar>

public ActionResult RequestSubmission(Foo model) 
    if (ModelState.IsValid) 
     helper.DoSomething(model, Server.MapPath("/Assets/Template.docx")); 
      return Json(new {IsSuccess=true}); 
    return PartialView("Form", model); 

Bit of scope

This project is a basic MVC5 project with no authentication. I have a controller that, using a poor mans DI controller, is having the helper class injected into it. My MVC models inherit from the interfaces to allow them to be passed through.

So effectively Foo and Bar are data models.

This was all working before I tried to re-write it to use Interfaces, as tightly coupled I had no problems at all.

So, my question in summary:

Why do I get this error, and how can I resolve it?

If you need more information or clarification on anything just yell :)

Hope you can help.


You might need

Foo : IFoo<T> where T : IBar

Then use


rather than just Foo





供參考:這是我第一次張貼的問題Original Question on Code Project


codeproject不爲我加載。最好把你所有的問題放在這裏。代碼項目是代碼項目。 stackoverflow是stackoverflow。不要分享鏈接 –


@Servy最佳編輯! :) – DavidG


*你需要的是反轉。不幸的是,你不能使用它,因爲你的'List '。基本上,由於「IFoo 」,您的列表被創建爲「列表」。但是,您嘗試將您的對象投射到「IFoo 」,因此您的收藏將轉到「列表」。那麼這意味着有人可以添加一個不是「Bar」的對象,從而導致編譯錯誤。你需要刪除'List'(並且使用一個不可變的類型),或者放棄衝突 –




public interface IHelper 
    bool DoSomething<T>(IFoo<T> model, string path) where T : IBar; 


public class Helper : IHelper 
    public bool DoSomething<T>(IFoo<T> model, string path) where T : IBar 
     //..Save model to path 
     return true; 


someHelperInstance.DoSomething(someInstanceOfFoo, somePath); 

不再拋出該錯誤。這是因爲您將通用IFoo<T>限制爲任何IBar派生類型。您可能需要閱讀MSDN上的covariance vs contravariance


感謝您的有益迴應。這正是問題所在。我只是不知道如何使它與方法調用一起工作。 – Pheonyx
