2011-10-29 51 views


    "title":"Copy of Twitter Farm #talkdesign Pipe", 
    "description":"Pipes Output", 
    "pubDate":"Sat, 29 Oct 2011 05:40:41 -0700", 
     "description":"talk_design: Pretty cool interactive music video for Ellie Goulding's Lights! <a rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"http:\/\/search.twitter.com\/search?q=%23webgl\" title=\"#webgl\" class=\" \">#webgl<\/a> <a rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"http:\/\/t.co\/kkA3ON09\">http:\/\/t.co\/kkA3ON09<\/a>", 
     "pubDate":"Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:56:25 +0000", 
     "author":"[email protected] (Talk.Design)", 
     "y:title":"talk_design: Pretty cool interactive music video for Ellie Goulding's Lights! #webgl http:\/\/t.co\/kkA3ON09", 
     "title":"We Said: Pretty cool interactive music video for Ellie Goulding's Lights! #webgl http:\/\/t.co\/kkA3ON09" 
     "description":"OwenMelbz: @<em>talk_design<\/em> #<em>talk_design<\/em> test test test", 
     "pubDate":"Fri, 28 Oct 2011 18:35:21 +0000", 
     "author":"[email protected] (Owen Melbourne)", 
     "y:title":"OwenMelbz: @talk_design #talk_design test test test", 
     "title":"OwenMelbz: #talkdesign test test test" 
     "description":"talk_design: Video: Jay Bradner: Open-source cancer researchFrom: TEDtalksDirector | Oct 27, 2011 | 7,265... <a rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"http:\/\/t.co\/5hrxfCHC\">http:\/\/t.co\/5hrxfCHC<\/a>", 
     "pubDate":"Fri, 28 Oct 2011 18:31:58 +0000", 
     "author":"[email protected] (Talk.Design)", 
     "y:title":"talk_design: Video: Jay Bradner: Open-source cancer researchFrom: TEDtalksDirector | Oct 27, 2011 | 7,265... http:\/\/t.co\/5hrxfCHC", 
     "title":"We Said: Video: Jay Bradner: Open-source cancer researchFrom: TEDtalksDirector | Oct 27, 2011 | 7,265... http:\/\/t.co\/5hrxfCHC" 
     "description":"talk_design: setting up website and facebook :)", 
     "pubDate":"Fri, 28 Oct 2011 18:21:54 +0000", 
     "author":"[email protected] (Talk.Design)", 
     "y:title":"talk_design: setting up website and facebook :)", 
     "title":"We Said: setting up website and facebook :)" 


while i <= json[count]{ //open loop using json count data 
    tweet = json[items[i]][description]; //get the tweet 
    tweet = tweet.replace(/\/g,""); //remove slashes 
    by = json[items[i]][author]; //get author 
    by = by.split("("); //ignore full name just get short 
    by = by[1]; // shortname 
    by = by.replace(/)/g,""); //remove last) 
    avatar = json[items[i]][media:content][url]; //get avatar url 
    avatar = avatar.replace(/\/g, "") //remove slashes 
    tweet = "<img src=""+avatar+"" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" />"+author+": "+tweet; //format the tweet 
    $("#tweetarea").append(tweet); //print it to #tweetarea 
    i++ //update counter 
} //close loop 




試圖以精確和整齊的格式來組織你的問題,這將幫助你得到你的答案先生... – abhijit


這是更好嗎?謝謝 – Owen




$.each(json.value.items, function(i, tweet) { 
     var author = tweet.author.split('(')[1].replace(')',''); 
     var avatar = tweet['media:content'].url; 
     $('#tweetarea').append('<img src="'+avatar+'" width="16" height="16" />'+author+': '+tweet['y:title']+'<br/>'); 

看到一個Working demo


您可以通過jQuery的加載JSON 10方法。這是一個updated demo


啊,這是輝煌的謝謝,但我怎麼去加載到var json飼料然而呢? – Owen


使用jQuery AJAX API w /設置爲JSONP。類似這樣的:

    url: 'yahoourlhere?callback=?' 
    dataType: 'jsonp', 
}).success(function(response, status, jqxhr) { 

}).error(function(jqxhr, status, error) { 



    $callback = $_REQUEST['callback']; 
    echo "$callback\($json\)"; 