<?php // test.php 20110425_0900
function substitute_random_value($text) {
$re = '/
# Match parenthesized list of comma separated words.
\( # Opening delimiter.
\s* # Optional whitespace.
\w+ # required first value.
(?: # Group for additional values.
\s* , \s* # Values separated by a comma, ws
\w+ # Next value.
)+ # One or more additional values.
\s* # Optional whitespace.
\) # Closing delimiter.
// Match each parenthesized list and replace with one of the values.
$text = preg_replace_callback($re, '_srv_callback', $text);
return $text;
function _srv_callback($matches_paren) {
// Grab all word options in parenthesized list into $matches.
$count = preg_match_all('/\w+/', $matches_paren[0], $matches);
// Randomly pick one of the matches and return it.
return $matches[0][rand(0, $count - 1)];
// Read input text
$data_in = file_get_contents('testdata.txt');
// Process text multiple times to verify random replacements.
$data_out = "Run 1:\n". substitute_random_value($data_in);
$data_out .= "Run 2:\n". substitute_random_value($data_in);
$data_out .= "Run 3:\n". substitute_random_value($data_in);
// Write output text
file_put_contents('testdata_out.txt', $data_out);
函數調用PHP preg_replace_callback()
((3 + 4) * 12) * (2, 3, 4, 5))
((3 + 4) * 12) * (12, 13))
((3 + 4) * 12) * (22, 23, 24))
((3 + 4) * 12) * (32, 33, 34, 35))
Run 1:
((3 + 4) * 12) * 13)
((3 + 4) * 12) * 22)
((3 + 4) * 12) * 35)
Run 2:
((3 + 4) * 12) * 3)
((3 + 4) * 12) * 12)
((3 + 4) * 12) * 22)
((3 + 4) * 12) * 33)
Run 3:
((3 + 4) * 12) * 3)
((3 + 4) * 12) * 12)
((3 + 4) * 12) * 23)
((3 + 4) * 12) * 32)
以匹配由 「字」 的字符,即,[A-ZA-Z0-9_]值。如果這不符合您的要求,可以輕鬆更改。
function substitute_random_value(text) {
// Replace each parenthesized list with one of the values.
return text.replace(/\(\s*\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)+\s*\)/g,
function (m0) {
// Capture all word values in parenthesized list into values.
var values = m0.match(/\w+/g);
// Randomly pick one of the matches and return it.
return values[Math.floor(Math.random() * values.length)];
您正在使用什麼語言,解析這個? – ridgerunner 2011-04-25 14:53:40
AS3,所以雖然我很欣賞具體的答案,但我試着讓問題更一般。 – grey 2011-04-26 03:17:55
當提出正則表達式問題時,指定語言很重要,因爲每種語言都有不同的正則表達式能力(正確答案取決於這些能力)。例如,現在我知道您正在使用AS3(使用Javascript正則表達式「flavor」),實際上正確的答案是簡化的。看到我更新的答案。 – ridgerunner 2011-04-26 13:53:37