Public Function CUSTOM_SAVECOPYAS_FILENAME(strFilePath As String) As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim blnNotFound As Boolean
Dim arrSplit As Variant
Dim strNewFileName As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFileNameNoExt As String
Dim strExtension As String
Dim pos As Integer
Dim strFilePathNoFileName As String
arrSplit = Split(strFilePath, "\")
pos = InStrRev(strFilePath, "\")
strFilePathNoFileName = Left(strFilePath, pos)
strFileName = arrSplit(UBound(arrSplit))
strFileNameNoExt = Split(strFileName, ".")(0)
strExtension = Split(strFileName, ".")(1)
intCounter = 1
If FileExists(strFilePath) = True Then
'Set fl = FSO.GetFile(strFilePath)
strNewFileName = strFilePathNoFileName & strFileNameNoExt & " (" & intCounter & ")." & strExtension
blnNotFound = FileExists(strNewFileName)
If blnNotFound Then intCounter = intCounter + 1
Loop Until Not blnNotFound
strNewFileName = strFilePath
End If
'This function will return file path to main function where you save the file
End Function
Public Function FileExists(ByVal path_ As String) As Boolean
FileExists = (Len(Dir(path_)) > 0)
End Function
Sub main()
str_fileName = "C:/temp/test.xlsx"
str_newFileName = CUSTOM_SAVECOPYAS_FILENAME(str_fileName)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
NewWb.SaveAs str_newFileName
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
在這裏與你的直覺。 IMO最好的解決辦法是在這裏設置自己的櫃檯並更改名稱文件。 (我不知道是否有這個「工作」的vba函數,說實話,如果存在的話我會感到驚訝) – Blenikos
使用FileSystemObject File.Exists方法,然後使用regex或mid '/'instr'來獲得(x)號碼,如果有一個和增量。 –