2015-03-13 76 views



If task = "YES" Then 
    user_task = "GR" 
    Const olTaskItem = 3 
    Dim OlApp As Object 
    Dim OlTask As Object 

    Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    Set OlTask = OlApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem) 

    With OlTask 
     '.Recipients.Add "[email protected]" 'workaround to assign task for another owner, but does not show .BCC so not suitable solution. 
     .Owner = "[email protected]" ' does not work. changes back to my user 
     .Subject = material_full_email & " spp " 
     .StartDate = Date 
     .DueDate = Date + 7 
     .Status = 1     '0=not started, 1=in progress, 2=complete, 3=waiting, 
     .Importance = 1    '0=low, 1=normal, 2=high 
     .ReminderSet = False 
     '.ReminderTime = dtReminderDate 
     '.Categories = "Business" 'use any of the predefined Categorys or create your own 
     .Body = Date & " " & user_task & ":" & " RFQ sent: " & Supplier1 & "/" & Supplier2 & "/" & Supplier3 & "/" & Supplier4 
     '.Save 'use .Display if you wish the user to see the task form and make 
     .Display  'them perform the save 
    End With 
End If 





Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
set NS = olApp.getNamespace("MAPI") 
ste Recip = NS.CreateRecipient("[email protected]") 
set SharedFolder = NS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(Recip, olFoldersTasks) 
Set OlTask = SharedFolder.Items.Add 

嗨德米特里。我在vba方面經驗不足。你認爲你可以給你的建議一段代碼適配器嗎?當我試圖做到這一點,我只是不能讓它工作。感謝您的回答 – Trm 2015-03-13 19:01:05


查看最新的答案。 – 2015-03-13 19:29:19


嗨。我今天早上嘗試運行代碼,但無法使其工作。它運行,但不會產生任何任務。你有什麼想法可能是錯誤的? – Trm 2015-03-16 07:44:20


我設法得到下面的代碼工作。我相信最大的問題是MS Outlook庫沒有在參考文獻中打勾。

If task = "YES" Then 
    user_task = "GR" 
    Const olTaskItem = 3 
    Dim olApp As Object 
    Dim ns As Object 
    Dim OlTask As Object 
    Dim SharedFolder As Object 
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    Set ns = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
    Set Recip = ns.CreateRecipient("inboxname") 
    Set SharedFolder = ns.GetSharedDefaultFolder(Recip, olFolderTasks) 
    Set OlTask = SharedFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Task") 
    'Set OLApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    'Set OlTask = OLApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem) 

    With OlTask 
     '.Recipients.Add "[email protected]" 
     '.Owner = "[email protected]" ' not needed 
     .Subject = material_full_email & " spp " 
     .StartDate = Date 
     .DueDate = Date + 7 
     .Status = 1     '0=not started, 1=in progress, 2=complete, 3=waiting, 
     .Importance = 1    '0=low, 1=normal, 2=high 
     .ReminderSet = False 
     '.ReminderTime = dtReminderDate 
     '.Categories = "Business" 'use any of the predefined Categorys or create your own 
     .Body = Date & " " & user_task & ":" & " RFQ sent to suppliers: " & Supplier1 & "/" & Supplier2 & "/" & Supplier3 & "/" & Supplier4 
     '.Save 'use .Display if you wish the user to see the task form and make 
     .Display  'them perform the save 
    End With 
End If 


Dim objOLApp As Outlook.Application 
Dim NewTask As Outlook.TaskItem 
' Set the Application object 
Set objOLApp = New Outlook.Application 
Set NewTask = objOLApp.Session.Folders.Item(x).Items.Add(olTaskItem) 
With NewTask... 

的 'x' 代表您的共享信箱ID(對我來說這是5)。您可以使用MsgBox Prompt:=objOLApp.Session.Folders.Item(x)進行檢查。它應該在正確的ID([email protected])上返回共享的收件箱地址。