我已經下載了黑莓手機模擬器的VMWare iso,它運行良好。 如何在模擬器上上傳我的Android應用程序(黑莓在線測試表示兼容)?黑莓手機模擬器
在我的Eclipe中,我沒有「Run as」黑莓模擬器...所以我無法上傳它,因爲我所有的Android應用都是這樣做的。
package mypackage;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
* This class extends the UiApplication class, providing a
* graphical user interface.
public class MyApp extends UiApplication
* Entry point for application
* @param args Command line arguments (not used)
public static void main(String[] args)
// Create a new instance of the application and make the currently
// running thread the application's event dispatch thread.
MyApp theApp = new MyApp();
* Creates a new MyApp object
public MyApp()
// Push a screen onto the UI stack for rendering.
pushScreen(new MyScreen());