2016-01-24 151 views

因此,我正在爲我的一個朋友製作一個網站,而且我必須將圖像和導航欄「相對」放置,以便我可以正確定位它們。 但現在當我添加段落標記,theres與文字和導航條單詞從導航欄邊距&如何擴展導航欄




感謝您的幫助! - 安東尼DeMatteis


'#page1 { background-color:white; height:1800px; 寬度:700px; margin:50px; padding:265px; padding-bottom:500px; }'我甚至不能 – Aziz


好吧,問題是由於有不必要的填充和定義高度和寬度造成的..您並不需要爲基於其內容呈現的元素定義高度或寬度..因爲這麼多填充你被迫使用位置相對於修復造成大量空白的大部分東西.. – Aziz





/* main */ 

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/* header */ 

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/* menu */ 

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<div id="page"> 
    <img src="header.jpg" alt="Real Estate Lawyer" id="header"> 
    <h1> John De Matteis </h1> 
    <div id="nav"> 
     <li><a href="john.html"> Home </a> </li> 
     <li><a href="home.html"> About </a> </li> 
     <li><a href="contact.html"> Contact Us </a> </li> 
    <div id="word"> 
    <p> This is some sample text egin by considering two key questions that ultimately summarize the return on your efforts: How much impact will addressing that issue have? Consider your essential question and your targeted objective. How far will addressing 
     this issue get you towards your goal? How easy will it be to design and implement a solution? Consider the complexity of the issue, the amount of time and resources required, and risks to success. Ask these questions for each issue, tagging the 
     issue with a designation of High-, Medium-, or Low-Impact, and High-, Medium-, or Low-Ease. To show how the different issues compare we will plot them on a 2x2 matrix, like the one shown below. One axis will correspond to Ease of Execution; the 
     other axis will correspond to Potential Impact. Plot out your solutions on the matrix, and focus on those faegin by considering two key questions that ultimately summarize the return on your efforts: How much impact will addressing that issue have? 
     Consider your essential question and your targeted objective. How far will addressing this issue get you towards your goal? How easy will it be to design and implement a solution? Consider the complexity of the issue, the amount of time and resources 
     required, and risks to success. Ask these questions for each issue, tagging the issue with a designation of High-, Medium-, or Low-Impact, and High-, Medium-, or Low-Ease. To show how the different issues compare we will plot them on a 2x2 matrix, 
     like the one shown below. One axis will correspond to Ease of Execution; the other axis will correspond to Potential Impact. Plot out your solutions on the matrix, and focus on those faegin by considering two key questions that ultimately summarize 
     the return on your efforts: How much impact will addressing that issue have? Consider your essential question and your targeted objective. How far will addressing this issue get you towards your goal? How easy will it be to design and implement 
     a solution? Consider the complexity of the issue, the amount of time and resources required, and risks to success. Ask these questions for each issue, tagging the issue with a designation of High-, Medium-, or Low-Impact, and High-, Medium-, or 
     Low-Ease. To show how the different issues compare we will plot them on a 2x2 matrix, like the one shown below. One axis will correspond to Ease of Execution; the other axis will correspond to Potential Impact. Plot out your solutions on the matrix, 
     and focus on those fa </p> 


欣賞幫助!對於未來的參考,我如何正確定位沒有不必要的填充和邊距的元素? –


通過跟蹤和錯誤和大量的代碼檢查。這可能會有所幫助:http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp但我很少看到任何填充大於100px的元素,當您開始使用填充,邊距或定位這樣高的數字時,它意味着有些東西可能是錯誤的,只是嘗試每次添加一個元素並查看它如何渲染,並且從不爲容器設置高度,因爲當您設置高度時,它將被修復,理想情況下,我們希望高度根據文本中的文本是對的?祝你好運!您可以使用百分比來衡量而不是px – Aziz


可能會工作 HYML代碼:

<div id="page"> 
    <img src="header.jpg" alt="Real Estate Lawyer" id="header"> 
    <h1> John De Matteis </h1> 
    <div id="nav"> 
     <li><a href="john.html"> Home </a> </li> 
     <li><a href="home.html"> About </a> </li> 
     <li><a href="contact.html"> Contact Us </a> </li> 
    <div id="word"> 
    <p> This is some sample text egin by considering two key questions that ultimately summarize the return on your efforts: How much impact will addressing that issue have? Consider your essential question and your targeted objective. How far will addressing 
     this issue get you towards your goal? How easy will it be to design and implement a solution? Consider the complexity of the issue, the amount of time and resources required, and risks to success. Ask these questions for each issue, tagging the 
     issue with a designation of High-, Medium-, or Low-Impact, and High-, Medium-, or Low-Ease. To show how the different issues compare we will plot them on a 2x2 matrix, like the one shown below. One axis will correspond to Ease of Execution; the 
     other axis will correspond to Potential Impact. Plot out your solutions on the matrix, and focus on those faegin by considering two key questions that ultimately summarize the return on your efforts: How much impact will addressing that issue have? 
     Consider your essential question and your targeted objective. How far will addressing this issue get you towards your goal? How easy will it be to design and implement a solution? Consider the complexity of the issue, the amount of time and resources 
     required, and risks to success. Ask these questions for each issue, tagging the issue with a designation of High-, Medium-, or Low-Impact, and High-, Medium-, or Low-Ease. To show how the different issues compare we will plot them on a 2x2 matrix, 
     like the one shown below. One axis will correspond to Ease of Execution; the other axis will correspond to Potential Impact. Plot out your solutions on the matrix, and focus on those faegin by considering two key questions that ultimately summarize 
     the return on your efforts: How much impact will addressing that issue have? Consider your essential question and your targeted objective. How far will addressing this issue get you towards your goal? How easy will it be to design and implement 
     a solution? Consider the complexity of the issue, the amount of time and resources required, and risks to success. Ask these questions for each issue, tagging the issue with a designation of High-, Medium-, or Low-Impact, and High-, Medium-, or 
     Low-Ease. To show how the different issues compare we will plot them on a 2x2 matrix, like the one shown below. One axis will correspond to Ease of Execution; the other axis will correspond to Potential Impact. Plot out your solutions on the matrix, 
     and focus on those fa </p> 

CSS co de

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/* header css*/ 

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/* menu css*/ 
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