2017-01-16 66 views
select t.range as [Type], count(*) as [Value] 
from (select case 
     when answer_count between 0 and 5 then 'PCS' 
     when answer_count between 5 and 10 then 'PRINTER' 
     else 'KEYBOARD' end as range 
     from points where type='product_quiz') t 
group by t.range 
Output is: 
Type  |  Value 
PCS   129195 
PRINTER  121327 
OTHERS   236548 

I want to echo only for the printer value using PHP. 
For example I want the result like this: 

    echo $printer = '121327'; 

應該在'SQL'簡單'Where'條款。 '..)t其中t.range ='PRINTER'組由t.range' –


嗨,我不想用sql來實現這一點,我需要在PHP中得到結果。 – Poornima




$query = mysql_query("select t.range as [Type], count(*) as [Value] 
from (select case 
    when answer_count between 0 and 5 then 'PCS' 
    when answer_count between 5 and 10 then 'PRINTER' 
    else 'KEYBOARD' end as range 
    from points where type='product_quiz') t 
    group by t.range"); 
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) 
    if($row['type'] == 'PRINTER'){ 
    echo $printer = $row['value']; 

感謝Adhan Timothy Younes.This是我的預期。 – Poornima