# Issue command
puts ${ChannelId} ${Command}
# Set loop variables
set Result [list]
set Byte [read ${ChannelId} 1]
set BadByte ÿ
# Loop until BadByte is found
while {![string equal -nocase ${Byte} ${BadByte}]} {
# Append good bytes to a list
lappend Result ${Byte}
# Read next byte
set Byte ::visa::read ${ChannelId} 1]
# Join and return result list
return [join ${Result}]
# Set loop variable
set Result [list]
# Read channel 1 byte at a time until ÿ is found
while {![string equal -nocase [set Character [read ${ChannelId} 1]] "ÿ"]} {
# Append non ÿ characters to a list
lappend Result ${Character}
# Join the result and return it
return [join ${Result}]
您是否想過使用'expect'與Tektronix交談?它應該是這種應用的理想選擇。 – 2013-03-18 16:15:53
這通常是一個0xff,也許可以正確配置你的頻道(例如,用'fconfigure'設置一些翻譯/編碼。 – schlenk 2013-03-18 17:10:25
@lanam我確實期待了一點,聽起來很好吃,但看起來不再支持並且windows版本在linux版本之前已經放棄了一段時間,所以我認爲它不是我們的應用程序的明智選擇。謝謝你的回覆,雖然 – Chrono 2013-03-18 18:08:52