public void paint(Graphics g)
int incX = 5; // initial x increment for circle locations
int incY = 5; // initial y increment for circle locations
Coord temp = new Coord(0,0);
Queue<Coord> q = new LinkedList<Coord>();
Circle c = new Circle(g,circleSize,incX,incY,TIME_DELAY);
for(int i = 1; i <= TOTAL_NUM_CIRCLES; i++)
if(q.size() >= 50)
temp = q.remove();
temp = new Coord(getX(),getY());
catch(InterruptedException e){}
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
* Creates an instance of the GfxApp class, which uses the Circle class, Coord class, and
* a queue to create a screen saver.
* @param args not used
public class ScreenSaver
public static void main(String args[])
GfxApp gfx = new GfxApp();
* Creates a Screen Saver by placing Circle coordinates in a queue
class GfxApp extends JFrame
private int circleCount, circleSize;
public static final int TIME_DELAY = 10; // controls the speed
public static final int TOTAL_NUM_CIRCLES = 1000; // controls how long it goes
* Creates a GfxApp with 50 circles with diameter 30
public GfxApp()
circleCount = 50;
circleSize = 30;
* Draws a stream of circleCount circles of size circleSize. Uses a queue to erase circles
* at the end of the stream. The total number of circles that will be drawn is 2000.
* @param g the Graphics object
public void paint(Graphics g)
int incX = 5; // initial x increment for circle locations
int incY = 5; // initial y increment for circle locations
Coord temp = new Coord(0,0);
Queue<Coord> q = new LinkedList<Coord>();
Circle c = new Circle(g,circleSize,incX,incY,TIME_DELAY);
for(int i = 1; i <= TOTAL_NUM_CIRCLES; i++)
if(q.size() >= 50)
temp = q.remove();
temp = new Coord(getX(),getY());
catch(InterruptedException e){}
* A class to represent Circle objects. Circles can be drawn and erased.
class Circle
private int tlX; // top-left X coordinate
private int tlY; // top-left Y coordinate
private int incX; // increment movement of X coordinate
private int incY; // increment movement of Y coordinate
private boolean addX; // flag to determine add/subtract of increment for X
private boolean addY; // flag to determine add/subtract of increment for Y
private int size; // diameter of the circle
private int timeDelay; // time delay until next circle is drawn
* Creates a Circle with a specified Graphics, size, x increment, y increment and time delay
public Circle(Graphics g, int s, int x, int y, int td)
incX = x;
incY = y;
size = s;
addX = true;
addY = false;
tlX = 400;
tlY = 300;
timeDelay = td;
* returns the top left X of this circle
* @return tlX
public int getTLX() { return tlX;}
* returns the top left Y of this circle
* @return tlY
public int getTLY() { return tlY;}
* delays the program for a specified number of miliseconds
* @param n number of miliseconds
public void delay(int n) throws InterruptedException
* draws a blue circle and sets the tlX and tlY for the next drawing
* @param g Graphics object
public void drawCircle(Graphics g) throws InterruptedException
if (addX)
if (addY)
* Randomly sets a new direction for the circle by randomly setting
* the x increment and y increment
public void newData()
incX = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 7 + 5);
incY = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 7 + 5);
* Determines if any of the four edges have been hit, and if so, reverses the
* appropriate flags (addX and addY) and calls newData
public void hitEdge()
boolean a = false;
if (tlX < incX)
addX = true;
a = true;
if (tlX > 800 - (30 + incX))
addX = false;
a = true;
if (tlY < incY + 30)
addY = true;
a = true;
if (tlY > 600 - (30 + incY))
addY = false;
a = true;
if (a)
// add an eraseCircle method
public void eraseCircle(Graphics g, int x, int y)
// Create a Coord class, so that coordinates of drawn circles can be placed in the queue.
// As coordinates are removed from the queue, circles are erased with eraseCircle.
class Coord
private int x;
private int y;
public Coord(int a, int b)
public int getX(){return x;}
public int getY(){return y;}
public int setX(int a){x=a; return x;}
public int setY(int b){y=b; return y;}
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