所以我沒有收到任何錯誤,但它沒有正確運行。用# **
import time
#Imports the time library.
#Email validator
#Make a program to check whether an email address is valid or not.
#You could make sure that there are no spaces, that there is an @ symbol and a dot somewhere after it. Also check that the end parts of the address are not blank.
#1. When an email address is found to be invalid, tell the user exactly what they did wrong with their email address rather than just saying it is invalid
#2. Allow the user to choose to give a text file with a list of email addresses and have it process them all automatically.
print("Only .com or .co.uk or .org.uk are accepted.")
def ev():
#starts the definition and defines the command.
#1 second wait
email = input("Email: ")
dot = "."
at = "@"
space = " "
com = ".com"
couk = ".co.uk"
org = ".org.uk"
if at not in email:
print("Invalid. There is no @ in your email.")
#Says email is invalid as there is no @
elif dot not in email:
print("Invalid. There is no .(dot) in your email.")
#Says email is invalid as there is no .
#Loops to asking for the email again
elif space in email:
print("Invalid. There shouldn't be any spaces in your email.")
#Says email is invalid as there is a space
#Loops to asking for the email again
elif com not in email or couk not in email or org not in email: # **
print("This email is not valid. Only .com or .co.uk or .org.uk are accepted.")**
#Loops to asking for the email again
#Ends the definition so it starts automatically.
請[編輯]你的問題,並在錯誤信息添加完整的或更好,但整個回溯。只是說「不工作」和「我的代碼無效」太含糊。 – martineau
答案可能已經解決了您最初的擔憂,但使用[正則表達式]會更容易(並且與當前代碼不同)(https://docs.python.org/3/library/) re.html) –
你有一個答案,但我們還要指出,正則表達式會更有效。另外,將它作爲一個驗證函數來組織它是一件好事,該函數接受一個字符串並返回一條錯誤消息 - 您可以輕鬆地爲它編寫單元測試 - 以及一個單獨的函數,它讀取輸入,調用validitor,打印結果,並循環。 – Jerry101