2013-11-26 74 views


def quicksortForkJoin(numbers) { 
    withPool { 
     runForkJoin(0, numbers) {index, list -> 
      def groups = list.groupBy {it <=> list[list.size().intdiv(2)]} 
      if ((list.size() < 2) || (groups.size() == 1)) { 
       return [index: index, list: list.clone()] 
      (-1..1).each { forkOffChild(it, groups[it] ?: [])} 
      return [index: index, list: childrenResults.sort {it.index}.sum {it.list}] 




def quicksortForkJoin(numbers) { 

    // Create a pool of workers the default size 
    withPool { 

     // Run a fork with index 0 and the numbers 
     runForkJoin(0, numbers) {index, list ->   // [1] 

      // Split numbers into 3 groups: 
      // -1: those less than the "middle" number 
      //  0: those equal to the "middle" number 
      //  1: those greater than the "middle" number 
      def groups = list.groupBy {it <=> list[list.size().intdiv(2)]} 

      // If there are less than 2 numbers to sort, or all numbers are equal 
      if ((list.size() < 2) || (groups.size() == 1)) { 

       // return the index and a clone of the current list 
       return [index: index, list: list.clone()] 

      // Otherwise, fork off a child process for each of the 
      // groups above (less than, equal and greater than) 
      // forkOffChild will not block, and will effectively go back 
      // to line [1] with the new index and list 
      (-1..1).each { forkOffChild(it, groups[it] ?: [])} 

      // Block waiting for all 3 children to finish, then sort the 
      // results so the indexes are [ -1, 0, 1 ] and then join the 
      // lists of numbers back together 
      return [ index: index, 
        list: childrenResults.sort {it.index}.sum {it.list}] 

      // when done, return the `list` property from the final map 

非常感謝!但我仍然不明白帶有「groups」的部分:它是如何分成3組的?這一行'{它<=>列表[list.size()。intdiv(2)]}'是相當混亂。 – user1170330


@ user1170330'list [list.size()。intdiv(2)]'獲得「中間」元素,即:[[3,6,4,3,1]]它會給你數字'4' 。所以我們稱這個爲'mid'。組關閉然後變成'{它0123}'。宇宙飛船操作員基本上在兩個元素之間進行「比較」,並返回「-1」,「0」或「1」。因此,'groupBy'接受列表中的每個元素,並返回一個帶有3個鍵的映射(如此評論中的示例列表)[[-1:[3,3,1],0:[4],1 :[6]]' –