exec dbo.sp_SelectAlignmentSubset
create table #resultSeqIDs
SeqID int not null
Insert into #resultSeqIDs
exec dbo.sp_SelectAlignmentSubset
錯誤提前跳出"The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction."
Alter Proc dbo.sp_SelectAlignmentSubset
@AlnID int,
@ParentTaxID int,
@SeqTypeID int,
@LocationID int,
@SubsetSize int,
@SimilarityThreshold float,
@SimilarityTable nvarchar(255),
@AnchorSeqID int = null
declare @sql nvarchar(4000), @param nvarchar(2000), @subsetActualSize int, @lastSeqID int, @meanSimilarity float
--- Cleaning
begin try
drop table #Subset
end try
begin catch
end catch
begin try
drop table #tmpAllSeqs
end try
begin catch
end catch
begin try
drop table #AllSeqs
end try
begin catch
end catch
--- Create temp tables
create table #Subset
SeqID int not null
create table #AllSeqs
SeqID int not null
create table #tmpAllSeqs
SeqID int not null,
Similarity float not null
--- Prepare anchor
if @AnchorSeqID is not null
Insert into #Subset values (@AnchorSeqID)
set @lastSeqID = @AnchorSeqID
--- Get all SeqIDs in the alignment under the parent taxID
Insert into #AllSeqs
Select SeqID
from dbo.fn_SelectAlignedSequences(@AlnID, @ParentTaxID, @SeqTypeID, @LocationID)
--- Put SeqIDs into #Subset
select @subsetActualSize = count(*) from #Subset
while @subsetActualSize < @SubsetSize
-- select 'Subset size:'+cast(@subsetActualSize as nvarchar(10))
truncate table #tmpAllSeqs
set @sql =
' Insert into #tmpAllSeqs
select st.SeqID2 as SeqID
from ' + @SimilarityTable + ' st
where st.SeqID1 = @lastSeqID
and st.SeqID2 in (select SeqID from #AllSeqs)
and st.Similarity <= @SimilarityThreshold
set @param = '@lastSeqID int, @SimilarityThreshold float'
exec sp_executesql @sql, @param, @lastSeqID, @SimilarityThreshold
--- Mark the SeqID will be selected from #AllSeqs and
--- added to #Subset in this round
--- Here I select the SeqID with minimum difference from
--- mean of similarity as the SeqID
select @meanSimilarity = AVG(Similarity)
from #tmpAllSeqs
select top 1 @lastSeqID = SeqID
from #tmpAllSeqs
order by abs(Similarity - @meanSimilarity) asc
Insert into #Subset values (@lastSeqID)
--- Update #AllSeqs (all candidate SeqIDs)
truncate table #AllSeqs
Insert into #AllSeqs
select SeqID
from #tmpAllSeqs
--- Increment size of #Subset
select @subsetActualSize = count(*) from #Subset
select SeqID from #Subset
drop table #Subset
drop table #AllSeqs
drop table #tmpAllSeqs
可能重複的[SQL作業有事務日誌...](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1039391/sql-job-having-issues-with-transaction-log) – JNK
這很有用。我跟着你的鏈接,發現如果我刪除那些「開始嘗試...結束嘗試...開始捕獲...結束捕獲」,那麼它的工作原理。 – Mavershang
更多...(重新:檢查XACT_STATE並寫入日誌)http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/try_catch.aspx – Chains