2015-05-23 79 views

我有一個遊戲使用全局整數position來瀏覽選項菜單。當每個屏幕都按下後退按鈕時,它會調用功能[self options]重新加載原始「選項」屏幕。我有一種感覺,這是非常愚蠢的東西我搞砸了。Objective-C switch語句的奇怪行爲


if ([self touchIsInNode:[self childNodeWithName:@"back"] touchPoint:touchPoint]) { 
        // stuff should happen here 

隨着touchIsInNode:是處理水龍頭返回BOOL值自己的自定義方法(YES如果是) 。



switch (position) { 
      // case 0 thru 3 are unrelated to the question... 0 is for the main menu, 1 is for the original logic for the "options" screen, 2 is for the end of the game, and 3 is to skip to the end of the intro screen. 
      case 4: 
       NSLog(@"position: %i", position); 
       if ([self touchIsInNode:[self childNodeWithName:@"backa"] touchPoint:touchPoint]) { 
        NSLog(@"store back button was pressed and [self options] is being called..."); 
        [self options]; 
       // store UI 
      case 5: 
       NSLog(@"position: %i", position); 
       if ([self touchIsInNode:[self childNodeWithName:@"backb"] touchPoint:touchPoint]) { 
        NSLog(@"stats back button was pressed and [self options] is being called..."); 
        [self options]; 
       // stats UI 
      case 6: 
       NSLog(@"position: %i", position); 
       if ([self touchIsInNode:[self childNodeWithName:@"backc"] touchPoint:touchPoint]) { 
        NSLog(@"about back button was pressed and [self options] is being called..."); 
        [self options]; 
       // about UI 
      case 7: 
       NSLog(@"position: %i", position); 
       if ([self touchIsInNode:[self childNodeWithName:@"backe"] touchPoint:touchPoint]) { 
        NSLog(@"dev options back button was pressed and [self options] is being called..."); 
        [self options]; 
       // dev options UI 
      case 8: 
       NSLog(@"position: %i", position); 
       if ([self touchIsInNode:[self childNodeWithName:@"backd"] touchPoint:touchPoint]) { 
        NSLog(@"purchased options back button was pressed and [self options] is being pressed..."); 
        [self options]; 
       // purchased options UI 
       NSLog(@"INVALID POSITION: %i", position); 


for (SKNode* node in [self children]) { 
    // fade out and remove each node if it is not "optionsButton" 
    if (![node.name isEqual:@"optionsButton"]) { 
     [node runAction:[SKAction fadeAlphaTo:0 duration:1] completion:^{ 
      [node removeFromParent]; 
    } else { 
     // if it is "optionsButton", perform an animation. 
     [node runAction:[SKAction scaleTo:1.5 duration:1]]; 
     [node runAction:[SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(self.size.width/2, self.size.height - ((node.frame.size.height * (4.0/3.0))/node.yScale)) duration:1] completion:^{ 
      // afterwards, call a method that logs each node's name. 
      [self logEveryNode]; 
position = 1; 
NSLog(@"position: %i", position); 

// processing labels 

// add in each child 

NSLog(@"options called, with %i nodes in [self children]", [self children].count); 

// fade in all of the labels 


position = 4; 
for (SKNode* node in [self children]) { 
    if ([node.name isEqual:@"optionsButton"]) { 
     [node runAction:[SKAction scaleTo:(2.0/3.0) duration:1]]; 
     [node runAction:[SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(self.size.width/2, self.size.height - (node.frame.size.height * (1.0/3.0))) duration:1]]; 
    } else if ([node.name isEqual:@"store"]) { 
     [node runAction:[SKAction scaleTo:1.5 duration:1]]; 
     [node runAction:[SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(self.size.width/2, self.size.height - node.frame.size.height * 3) duration:1]]; 
    } else { 
     [node runAction:[SKAction fadeAlphaTo:0 duration:1] completion:^{ 
      [node removeFromParent]; 

// draw UI for the store and move the back button accordingly 

SKLabelNode *back = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:@"Cochin"]; 
back.alpha = 0; 
back.fontColor = [UIColor blackColor]; 
back.text = @"back"; 
back.name = @"backa"; 
back.fontSize = 44; 
back.position = CGPointMake(self.size.width/2, self.size.height * 0.5); 

[self addChild:back]; 

[back runAction:[SKAction fadeAlphaTo:1 duration:1]]; 


2015-05-23 01:10:40.581 game[25258:1981445] position: 4 
2015-05-23 01:10:40.581 game[25258:1981445] store back button was pressed and [self options] is being called... 
2015-05-23 01:10:40.582 game[25258:1981445] position: 1 
2015-05-23 01:10:40.588 game[25258:1981445] options called, with 10 nodes in [self children] 
2015-05-23 01:10:40.588 game[25258:1981445] position: 1 
2015-05-23 01:10:40.588 game[25258:1981445] position: 1 
2015-05-23 01:10:40.588 game[25258:1981445] position: 1 
2015-05-23 01:10:40.589 game[25258:1981445] position: 1 
2015-05-23 01:10:40.589 game[25258:1981445] INVALID POSITION: 1 

爲什麼每case運行,甚至default情況?似乎只有position == 4應該運行case 4而類似position == 500會運行default的情況。如果有幫助,選項菜單中有5個子菜單。


case語句需要以'break'結尾,否則它們將在下一個case中繼續。標準C行爲。 –


我覺得這樣一個白癡沒有'休息',那裏。謝謝! – DDPWNAGE





Stack Overflow讓我接受這個答案。謝謝你和Gerd K在評論中的發現! – DDPWNAGE