//headers defined, etc
pthread_mutex_t queuemutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// other code with various functions
int main(void) {
//unrelated code
threadinformation **threadArray = (threadinformation **)malloc(POOLSIZE * sizeof(threadinformation));
int k;
for (k = 0; k < POOLSIZE; k++) {
pthread_t thread;
threadinformation *currentThread = (threadinformation *)malloc(sizeof(threadinformation));
currentThread->state = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
currentThread->state[0] = 0;
currentThread->currentWaiting = currentWaiting;
currentThread->number = k;
threadArray[k] = currentThread;
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, readWriteToClient, threadArray[k]); //thread is created here
currentThread->thread = thread;
joinArray[k] = thread;
//unrelated code
static void* readWriteToClient(void *inputcontent) {
//unrelated code
pthread_mutex_lock(&queuemutex); //problem happens here
fprintf(stderr,"Thread %d got locked \n",threadInput->number);
while((threadInput->currentWaiting->status) == 0){
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &queuemutex);
fprintf(stderr,"Thread %d got signalled \n",threadInput->number);
connfd = threadInput->currentWaiting->fd;
threadInput->currentWaiting->status = 0;
//unrelated code
Thread 0 got locked
Thread 7 got locked
Thread 25 got locked
Thread 97 got locked
Thread 6 got locked
Thread 5 got locked
Thread 4 got locked
Thread 3 got locked
Thread 8 got locked
Thread 9 got locked
Thread 10 got locked
Thread 11 got locked
Thread 12 got locked
Thread 13 got locked
Thread 14 got locked
Thread 15 got locked
Thread 16 got locked
Thread 17 got locked
Thread 18 got locked
Thread 19 got locked
Thread 20 got locked
And so on...
Threadinput-> currentwaiting-> status聲明爲volatile嗎? – 2013-02-26 00:50:20
你應該考慮刪除那個問題,現在對方得到了答案! – didierc 2013-02-26 13:21:37