2014-03-24 37 views

我想在同一行中返回特定度量在不同時間範圍內的結果。 例如「過去30天」,「過去7天」,「過去3天」。 爲此,我最初使用了UNION函數,併爲每個時間範圍創建了多個子查詢。這樣做的缺點是我收集了相同的數字三次,隨之而來的運行時間增加。包含日期邊界以分段選擇結果


select tp.Name, 
    case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -31, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then SUM(Impressions) else 0 end 'Last 30 days Impressions', 
    case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -31, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then SUM(Revenue * rler.Rate) else 0 end 'Last 30 days Revenues', 
    case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -8, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then SUM(Impressions) else 0 end 'Last 7 days Impressions', 
    case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -8, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then SUM(Revenue * rler.Rate) else 0 end 'Last 7 days Revenues', 
    case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -4, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then SUM(Impressions) else 0 end 'Last 3 days Impressions', 
    case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -4, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then SUM(Revenue * rler.Rate) else 0 end 'Last 3 days Revenues' 

from ... 

where ... 

group by tp.Name, tp.Kind, pub.Date 

order by 'Last 30 days Impressions' 

不幸的是,這將返回一行對每個名稱,種類和日期這不是我想要的。我認爲這個問題依賴於GROUP BY調用中的pub.Date。我該怎麼做才能解決這個問題?




select tp.Name, 
    sum(case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -31, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then Impressions else 0 end) 'Last 30 days Impressions', 
    sum(case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -31, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then (Revenue * rler.Rate) else 0 end) 'Last 30 days Revenues', 
    sum(case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -8, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then Impressions else 0 end) 'Last 7 days Impressions', 
    sum(case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -8, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then (Revenue * rler.Rate) else 0 end) 'Last 7 days Revenues', 
    sum(case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -4, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then Impressions else 0 end) 'Last 3 days Impressions', 
    sum(case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -4, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
     then (Revenue * rler.Rate) else 0 end) 'Last 3 days Revenues' 

from ... 

where ... 

group by tp.Name, tp.Kind 

order by 'Last 30 days Impressions' desc 


select tp.Name, 
     (case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -3, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
       then 'Last 3 days Impressions' 
       when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -7, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
       then '4-7 days Impressions' 
       when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -31, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
       then '8-31 days Impressions' 
       else 'Older' 
     end) as TimeRange, 
     SUM(Impressions) as NumImpressions, 
     . . . 
from . . . 
where . . . 
group by tp.Name, 
     (case when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -3, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
       then 'Last 3 days Impressions' 
       when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -7, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
       then '4-7 days Impressions' 
       when pub.Date between DATEADD(day, -31, getdate()) and DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()) 
       then '8-31 days Impressions' 
       else 'Older' 