嘗試在C中創建一個簡單的矩形/ bin包裝器。獲取給定區域並找到任何給定大小的矩形的位置。爲什麼我得到這段代碼的分段錯誤?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node_type PackNode;
struct node_type {
int x , y;
int width , height;
int used;
struct node_type *left;
struct node_type *right;
typedef struct point_type PackPoint;
struct point_type {
int x,y;
PackNode _clone(PackNode *node) {
PackNode clone;
clone.used = 0;
clone.x = node->x;
clone.y = node->y;
clone.width = node->width;
clone.height= node->height;
clone.left = NULL;
clone.right= NULL;
return clone;
PackNode root;
int rcount;
PackPoint* recursiveFind(PackNode *node, int w, int h) {
PackPoint rp;
PackPoint *p = NULL;
printf ("rcount = %u\n", rcount);
//left is not null go to left, if left didn't work try right.
if (node->left!=NULL) {
//move down to left branch
p = recursiveFind(node->left, w, h);
if (p!=NULL) {
return p;
} else {
p = recursiveFind(node->right, w, h);
return p;
} else {
//If used just return null and possible go to the right branch;
if (node->used==1 || w > node->width || h > node->height) {
return p;
//if current node is exact size and hasn't been used it return the x,y of the mid-point of the rectangle
if (w==node->width && h == node->height) {
rp.x = node->x+(w/2);
rp.y = node->y+(h/2);
p = &rp;
return p;
//If rectangle wasn't exact fit, create branches from cloning it's parent.
PackNode l_clone = _clone(node);
PackNode r_clone = _clone(node);
node->left = &l_clone;
node->right = &r_clone;
//adjust branches accordingly, split up the current unused areas
if ((node->width - w) > (node->height - h))
node->left->width = w;
node->right->x = node->x + w;
node->right->width = node->width - w;
} else {
node->left->height = h;
node->right->y = node->y + h;
node->right->height = node->height - h;
p = recursiveFind(node->left, w, h);
return p;
return p;
int main(void) {
root = malloc(
int i;
PackPoint *pnt;
int rw;
int rh;
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
rw = random()%20+1;
rh = random()%20+1;
pnt = recursiveFind(&root, rw, rh);
printf("pnt.x,y: %d,%d\n",pnt->x,pnt->y);
return 0;
請使用代碼格式化選項發佈代碼(選擇文本並按下1和0的按鈕)。 – 2010-06-06 02:55:05
編譯調試符號並詢問調試器崩潰的位置。這將使得知道要查找什麼變得更容易... – dmckee 2010-06-06 02:59:03
不是肯定的,但是如果node-> left不爲空,但是不是爲node-> right檢查。 – 2010-06-06 03:00:21