在我的數據庫名爲'用戶'我有三列 - 用戶名,密碼和標誌。 標誌的默認值爲0.一旦用戶投票,我將該特定用戶的標誌設置爲1.現在,如果用戶試圖再次投票,我想檢查數據庫中標誌的值。如果它是0,我會將他發送給「感謝您投票」頁面,並更新我創建的另一個數據庫,稱爲結果,以記錄每個候選人收到的投票數。如果不是,我帶他到另一頁說:「你已經投了票。」到目前爲止,一切正常,除非我不知道如何讀取數據庫中的標誌值並使用它的if條件。
$host="localhost"; // Host name
$username="dbxxxxx"; // Mysql username
$password="password"; // Mysql password
$db_name="dbxxxxx_users"; // Database name
$tbl_name="users"; // Table name
// Connect to server and select databse.
mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");
$user = $_COOKIE["details"]; //cookie details has the username the user used to log in
$SQL = "SELECT flag FROM users WHERE Username='$user'";
$flag = mysql_query($SQL); //no clue what's happening here. Just trying random stuff
$db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($flag);
if($db_field==0) //checking the value of flag in the database
mysql_query("UPDATE result SET Votes=Votes+1 //if flag in database = 0
WHERE Name='Candidate1'"); //updates result for candidate1 if the user voted for 1
$user = $_COOKIE["details"]; //reading the cookie again. can be omitted.
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET flag=1 //changing flag to 1 so user cannot vote again
WHERE Username='$user'");
header("location: http://www.lithuaniavote.com/thankyou.html");
else //flag != 1 or user has already voted
header("location: http://www.lithuaniavote.com/alreadyvoted.html");
我會猜測問題是你的SQL更新標誌的語法錯誤,但是你的代碼有比這更糟糕的問題。您正在使用未轉義的用戶輸入構建SQL查詢。 – Cairnarvon
調試你的代碼:[如何在PHP中獲取有用的錯誤消息?](http://stackoverflow.com/q/845021/1409082) – Jocelyn
你也在混合'$ db_field'和'$ fdb_field'。 – icktoofay