2014-10-16 80 views





dim base as string: base = "INSERT INTO tblname (ID, Field1, Field2, Field3) VALUES (" 
dim sql as string 
dim ii as long 
dim jj as long 
dim wrd as object 
dim wrdDoc as object 
docmd.setwarnings false 
set wrd = createObject("Word.Application") 
wrd.visible = false 
set wrdDoc = wrd.Documents.Add("name of word document containing table") 
with wrdDoc.Tables(1) 'assuming first table in document 
    for ii = ? to .Rows.Count  'if the table has column headings, ? = 2, else 1 
     sql = base 
     for jj = 1 to 4   '4 = count of columns 
      sql = sql & iif(jj = 1, "", ",") & CStr(.Cell(ii, jj)) 
     next jj 
     sql = sql & ")" 
     docmd.runsql sql 
    next ii 
end with 
docmd.setwarnings true 
set wrddoc = nothing 
set wrd = nothing