2016-02-14 15 views

我在嘗試時遇到了問題,也得到了使用python pushover的確認。使用字典的pushover中的python確認

在我的腳本中,我使用字典將相同的消息發送給2個人,並在消息被確認後進行記錄。 我這樣做而不是在一個組中的原因是因爲如果一個人承認然後它取消了休息的呼叫,所以如果一個人看到它並承認,另一個人沒有,那麼該組的警報停止。


import time 
import requests 
import datetime 
dict = {'u56pt7jQXxgmtGnX5MBgsnUz4kgqKS': 'User1', 'uoREW3cuvy3SbSnyc7Ra737nVbrBQh': 'user2'} 
app = "app id" 
for k in dict: 
     user = k 
     params = { 
     'token': app, 
     'user': user, 
     'title': 'lala', 
     'message': 'test', 
     'retry': 300, 
     'expire': 40, 
     'priority': 2 , 
     'sound': 'siren', 
     msg = requests.post('https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json', data=params) 
     print "POSTed message to " + k 
     json_data = msg.json() 
     print json_data['receipt'] 
     d = json_data['receipt'] 
     v = requests.get("https://api.pushover.net/1/receipts/"+ d + ".json?token=" + app) 
     out = v.json() 
while out['acknowledged'] is 0: 
print "not yet" #placed for debugging 
v = requests.get("https://api.pushover.net/1/receipts/"+ d + ".json?token=" + app) 
if out['acknowledged'] is 1: 
ack = out['acknowledged_by'] 
for k in dict: 
    if ack in k: 
    acked = dict[k] 
    t = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%H:%M') 
    print (acked + " acknowledged at " + t) 




v = requests.get("https://api.pushover.net/1/receipts/"+ d + ".json?token=" + app) 



我們可以看看樣本「dict」的樣子嗎? –




while out['acknowledged'] is 0: 
    print "not yet" #placed for debugging 
    v = requests.get("https://api.pushover.net/1/receipts/"+ d + ".json?token=" + app) 
    out = v.json() #update the out, so you can check again 


if out['acknowledged'] is 1: 
    while not all_acknowledged(dict): # custom function to check whether all users have made an acknowledgement 
     ack = out['acknowledged_by'] 
     for k in dict: 
      if ack in k: 
       acked = dict[k] 
       dict[k]['ack'] = True #We must update this when we come across an acknowledged user 
       t = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%H:%M') 
       print (acked + " acknowledged at " + t) 
     v = requests.get("https://api.pushover.net/1/receipts/"+ d + ".json?token=" + app) 
     out = v.json() #update the out, so you can check again 


for k in dict: 
    user = k 
    params = { 
    'token': app, 
    'user': user, 
    'title': 'lala', 
    'message': 'test', 
    'retry': 300, 
    'expire': 40, 
    'priority': 2 , 
    'sound': 'siren', 
    'ack': False 


def all_acknowledged(dict): 
    for k in dict: 
     if not dict[k]['ack']: 
      return False 
    return True 


import time 
import requests 
import datetime 
dict = {'u56pt7jQXxgmtGnX5MBgsnUz4kgqKS': 'User1', 'uoREW3cuvy3SbSnyc7Ra737nVbrBQh': 'user2'} 
app = "app id" 
for k in dict: 
    user = k 
    params = { 
    'token': app, 
    'user': user, 
    'title': 'lala', 
    'message': 'test', 
    'retry': 300, 
    'expire': 40, 
    'priority': 2 , 
    'sound': 'siren', 
    'ack': False 
    msg = requests.post('https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json', data=params) 
    print "POSTed message to " + dict[k] 
    json_data = msg.json() 
    print json_data['receipt'] 
    d = json_data['receipt'] 
    v = requests.get("https://api.pushover.net/1/receipts/"+ d + ".json?token=" + app) 
    out = v.json() 
while out['acknowledged'] is 0: 
    print "not yet" #placed for debugging 
    v = requests.get("https://api.pushover.net/1/receipts/"+ d + ".json?token=" + app) 
    out = v.json() #update the out, so you can check again 

def all_acknowledged(dict): 
    for user in params: 
     if not params['ack']: 
      return False 
    return True 

# Line below is commented out because if we got this far we have at least one acknowledgement 
# if out['acknowledged'] is 1: 
while not all_acknowledged(dict): # custom function to check whether all users have made an acknowledgement 
    ack = out['acknowledged_by'] 
    for k in dict: 
     if ack in k: 
      acked = dict[k] 
      params['ack'] = True # We must update this when we come across an acknowledged user 
      t = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%H:%M') 
      print (acked + " acknowledged at " + t) 
    v = requests.get("https://api.pushover.net/1/receipts/"+ d + ".json?token=" + app) 
    out = v.json() #update the out, so you can check again 

那裏很棒的一半。是的,我沒有停下來想到這一點。請閱讀更新 – shaggs


關於我們如何實現這一目標的任何想法? – shaggs


上面的答案應該可行。請注意,即使第二個循環已更新。 –