while($main2row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$tSummary[$main2row['id']] = '"'.$main2row['content'].'"';
$tTitle[$main2row['id']] = '"'.$main2row['title'].'"';
//the above gets the php from the sql database, then stores it in an array, both are string arrays
foreach ($tSummary as $key => $val)
echo "summArray['".$key."'] = ".nl2br($val).";\n";
foreach ($tTitle as $key => $val)
echo "titleArray['".$key."'] = ".nl2br($val).";\n";
//these foreach loops will print in a js script and will store the php arrays as js arrays
summArray['225594172793552897'] = " blah blah blah blah blah - blah.<br />
<br />
blah blah blah blah....."; /* this one is messed up */
summArray['225595300046307328'] = "text text text text text text text text text text text text text text ."; /* this one is fine */
'json_encode()'字符串。如果它們很複雜,它們將被構建成JavaScript對象或數組類型,並且如果普通字符串將被正確轉義。 – 2012-07-18 17:24:29